Moloch Remembers A Disciple While Justin Wants To Cancel Thanksgiving

September 25, 2020 at 10:50 pm (Geopolitics and International Relations, International Intrigue, News, Politics, Vampire novel) (, , , , , , , )

The demon Moloch (invisible to most except those wearing Dr. Cadbury Rocher Polaroid sunglasses but there weren’t many of those) stood on the steps of the U.S. Capitol as a funeral service was being held for one of his favourite disciples who had kicked the bucket last Friday.

Unfortunately Moloch’s brother Baal and his demonic partner in crime Baphomet were unable to find a young virgin vampiress in time and rip out the vampiress’ heart and burn her body so that Moloch’s and their disciple might live a while longer.

A sacrifice of the Inca vampiress Huchuysisa back in January of this year had allowed Moloch’s disciple to live another 9 moths.

Unfortunately a couple of days later the Canadian vampire hunter Dracul Van Helsing and the ghost of Orson Welles had poured Dr. Cadbury Rocher’s Phoenix Rising Vampiress Resurrection Elixir all over Huchuysisa’s ashes and brought her back from the dead.

Moloch’s disciple had to be hospitalized a few months later after seeing Australian performer Uncle Ernie perform his Marlene Dietrich dance routine in the associate Supreme Court Justice’s private washroom cubicle.

She had to be hospitalized again a few weeks after that after watching a viral video of Uncle Ernie performing the same dance routine when she accidentally typed in the wrong url on her laptop.

Then last Friday after seeing a holographic image (projected by Set Enterprises drones) of Uncle Ernie doing his most unkosher impersonation ever of Sesame Street’s Miss Piggy, Moloch’s disciple had finally given up the ghost.

She had lain in state first in the Supreme Court building and later in the halls of Congress.

Moloch wondered whether he’d ever again find such a devoted disciple.

. . .

Earlier this week in an address to the Canadian nation, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told Canadians that due to the Chinese Communist Party Wuhan virus (although he used the WHO politically correct term Covid-19), “It’s all too likely we won’t be gathering for Thanksgiving but we still have a shot at Christmas.”

Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 2nd Monday in October (whereas in the U.S it is celebrated on the last Thursday in November).

Later in a meeting with his supernatural advisor Tezcatlipoca the Aztec god of smoking mirrors (whom he communicated with via a marijuana pot smoking late Victorian/early Edwardian antique mirror called Magical Mystery Tour), Justin was shocked to discover that he didn’t have the jurisdictional power to cancel Thanksgiving.

Tears started running down his Al Jolson minstral show blackface, “I suppose I don’t have the jurisdictional power to cancel Christmas either.”

Being the good Marxist that he was, Justin didn’t believe in people having fun.

He was first planning to cancel Thanksgiving in October and then Christmas in December.

His plans of being a Maoist grinch had come to nought.

How Justin wished he was Daniel Andrews the Premier of Victoria state in Australia and then he could do whatever the Hell he wanted.

The Global TV News Canada disinformation branch of the New World Order Ministry of Propoganda had finished their 5:30 PM Evening broadcast tonight (after their usual regurgitation of hardcore Marxism in the broadcast exemplified by Communist asshole Global correspondent in the U.S. Jackson Proskow’s Marxist-Leninist slant on American politics) by longing for a Daniel Andrews style lockdown in Canada.

How many of the Canadian sheeple baaaaed appreciatively at Dawna Friesen’s departing pronouncement remains to be seen.

. . .

The Inca vampiress Huchuysisa (on vacation in the Bahamas) was happy she managed to evade capture and being sacrificed by the demons Baal and Baphomet again in order that Moloch’s most devoted disciple on the U.S. Supreme Court might live.

-A vampire novel chapter
written by Christopher
Friday September 25th


  1. Jessica E. Larsen said,

    And I was thinking that I might go back to my deathbed if I was her the moment I read Uncle Ernie’s performance. I was not surprised she become admitted again 😂
    Sigh, there are even talks that this thing will go on till next year. Spain are talking about January 31. They’re clipping my wings!

    • Dracul Van Helsing said,

      Yes, Uncle Ernie’s performances have sent many people packing to their deathbeds. 😂

      I hope someone comes up with a vaccine or antidote soon.

      Over 9000 doctors in Europe have expressed concern about the lockdowns since so many mental health issues and suicides are occurring as a result.

      Of course the mainstream Marxist media aren’t reporting about those doctors because being good Marxists, they don’t really mind seeing people being locked up in their homes.

      • Jessica E. Larsen said,

        So tragic. I can’t understand why anyone would like a Marxists system, but I hope, as christmas present, lockdown to be over before all people get used to life under someone else control.

      • Dracul Van Helsing said,

        Yes, that’s the really terrifying thing about this lockdown.

        People might get used to and socially acclimatized to living under someone else’s control.

  2. SpiritedSoul 🎭 said,

    Hmmmm 🤔🤔🤔 My parents couldn’t control me, I failed religion in a catholic school and constantly rebelled against a covert narcissist for 20 + years. Im not thinking I can be controlled. I’ll be too busy rehearsing with Uncle Ernie and travelling underground to go see the princess 😉 Hope u r well and staying safe out there 😷🙏

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