My House WiFi Isn’t Working

May 19, 2024 at 12:38 pm (Commentary, Geopolitics and International Relations, History, Personal essays) (, , , )

Roughly around 6 PM Friday night, my house WiFi (in the townhouse where I rent a room) went down.

I was forced to go to a nearby donut and coffee shop to write my blog post Friday night.

I spent Saturday afternoon (yesterday) reading blogs and researching geopolitical and current events online at the same donut shop.

Last night I came to the donut shop to use WiFi to write last night’s post and lo and behold! the only cashiers they had working was a pair of uglos.

So I turned around and left.

I was forced to go to a bar/pub/lounge (even though my bar/pub/lounge days are long behind me)) to write.

I got caught up on my social media (calling assholes at Facebook assholes etc.) and was about to start writing last night’s blog post, when lo and behold! with my usual bad luck, a fat ugly blimp came and sat right next to me at the bar.

What the Hell!

I’ve never seen a fat ugly blimp sit right up at the bar before! (Which is why I used to sit in such a spot in my bar frequenting days).

But because I seem to have an invisible sign on my forehead (which apparently is visible to uglos – stoats, gargoyles and fat ugly blimps) that says THIS PERSON ABSOLUTELY DETESTS UGLOS- STOATS, GARGOYLES AND ESPECIALLY FAT UGLY BLIMPS! – this probably explains why uglos- stoats, gargoyles and especially fat ugly blimps always seem to come directly towards me or sit right next to me.

Where the Hell is my good friend the great Irish-Jewish American science-fiction writer George Finneganburg to personally witness such an aesthetic abomination of desolation?

Where is my character Pan Goatee when I really really need him?

Not here apparently.

So thanks to morons having uglos working last night at the donut shop and fat ugly blimps with an oversized hankering to sit right next to me up at the bar, my 17 day writing streak at WordPress came to an end at 17 days.

Otherwise it could have been extended to 18 days.

As for the house WiFi not working, believe it or not Canada’s unmanly menstruating Neo-Stalinist tyrant Justin Trudeau can actually be blamed for this.

In the good old days Shaw Cable (a Calgary, Alberta, Canada founded and based cable company that had been a fixture of this province for 50 odd years since it was founded back in the early 1970s) provided good and excellent service.

Then a few years ago Rogers Cable (a company run by Central Canadian bastards in Montreal Quebec- only Central Canadian bastards in Ottawa and Toronto Ontario are more obnoxious than they) decided to buy control of Shaw Cable and establish a cable TV monopoly in Canada.

Now normally such a merger would have to be approved by the CRTC (Canadian Radio-Television Communications Commission) and one time the CRTC acted independently of Federal Government interference.

But that is no longer the case in Justin Trudeau’s Canada.

When the morons and bastards to be found in Central Canada (i.e. Ontario and Quebec) and the pot smoking airheads and imbeciles of lower mainland British Columbia and Vancouver Island (holding the vast majority of parliamentary seats in Canada) decided to put in the Marxist minstrel show drag queen failed Drama teacher teacher Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister, that was the end of true freedom and liberty in Canada (although the Orwellian Ministry of Truth brainless mainstream media try to convince people otherwise and are largely successful in Ontario, Quebec and lower mainland British Columbia and Vancouver Island).

Justin Trudeau acted like a Deng Xiaoping (also spelled T’eng T’sao ping) Chinese style Fascist and approved the deal.

The only reason Communist China became the economic powerhouse that it did was because when Deng Xiaoping became Communist China’s paramount leader in 1978, he rejected pure Maoism and introduced economic Fascism into China.

Most people (products of our modern education system) have no idea what real Fascism actually is.

Benito Mussolini (the founder of Fascism) was actually the editor of an international Marxist Communist newspaper back in the 1910s and a man highly praised by none other than Lenin himself.

Then Mussolini on his own, being the good Hegelian and good Marxist that he was, wondered why Communism had to stop at being the final Hegelian synthesis in history.

He postulated that Capitalism (Thesis) and Communism (Antithesis) could be merged together into a synthesis that he gave the name of Fascism.

Under Marxist Communism, everything would be owned by the state.

Under Fascism (as proposed by Benito Mussolini), everything would be regulated by the state.

So Fascism is actually a Marxist heresy (regarded as so by orthodox Marxist-Leninists, orthodox Stalinists and orthodox Maoists).

And Deng Xiaoping introduced economic Fascism into the People’s Republic of China whereby private enterprise and large corporations would be allowed but they would be regulated by the state.

And Justin Trudeau, being an impotent bedwetting Neo-Stalinist (rather than a Stalinist Stalinist), allows for economic Fascism in an emerging Communist Canada.

Thus he forced the CRTC to approve the Rogers-Shaw merger last year.

Rogers had always been subject to huge network outages.

And now that they’ve taken over the previously efficient Shaw Cable, Shaw is now subject to huge network outages.

Anyways to make a long story short, Shaw (when it was owned by intelligent Western Canadians) ran efficiently but now that it’s been taken over by Rogers (a bunch of stupid Central Canadians) they no longer run efficiently.

When Shaw was Shaw, their technicians actually worked long weekends in Canada.

Now that Shaw is Rogers Shaw, they do not.

And since it’s the Victoria Day long weekend in Canada, this explains why Betty my landlady is unable to get Shaw technicians into the townhouse to fix the WiFi problem.

So thanks to Justin Trudeau, uglos and fat ugly blimps, the world was deprived of a great blog post for Saturday May 18th 2024.

As the ghost of Franklin Delano Roosevelt would probably put it, a day that shall live in infamy.

-A personal essay
written by Christopher
Sunday afternoon
(Because you never know
what uglos and fat
ugly blimps might
be out and about
Sunday nights)
May 19th 2024.


  1. Crandew said,

    Sorry about your WiFi problem, but I must say that in complaining about it… you’ve certainly given us readers pure gold. Also, I like your definitions of Communism/Fascism. The US is also in the throws of Fascism (as well as uglos) and we have been headed in that direction for a long time now.

    • Dracul Van Helsing said,

      Thank you so much, Crandew. 🙏😀

      Yes, it seems that all of North America is in the throes of Fascism and uglos.

  2. George F. said,

    I was with you in spirit… I had to leave. She was an incredible FUGLY uglo!

    • Dracul Van Helsing said,

      I don’t blame you for leaving in spirit, my friend.

      She was an incredible FUGLY uglo 🤢 🤮.

  3. Thebubblytipsymermaid said,

    Seems as though your Sci-Fi has kicked in.🥶💦

  4. Hyperion said,

    there goes my plan to immigrate to Canada once America goes full tilt boogie insane after the elections.

    • Dracul Van Helsing said,

      I really can’t think of a good place to live in today’s world.

      Maybe an unknown lush tropical 🏝️ South Seas island 🏝️ somewhere with lots of beautiful hula dancing girls.

      • Hyperion said,

        If you find such a place, I’ll rent a boat and we can sail there.

      • Dracul Van Helsing said,

        Excellent idea 💡.

        Like that story of the 3 Blogoteers sailing to the South Seas many years ago.

      • Hyperion said,

        Sans the Kraken, of course. 😅

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