Baphometa The Daughter of The Demon Baphomet Meets A Corporate Pharmaceutical Executive

November 5, 2023 at 10:49 pm (Culture, Entertainment, Geopolitics and International Relations, International Intrigue, News, Sorcery, Television, The Occult, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , )

Baphometa the daughter of the demon Baphomet

Baphometa the daughter of the demon Baphomet was currently in one of the great cities of the world meeting with a corporate executive of one of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies.

He had text messaged her via an astral channeler and spiritist medium asking for the reward she had promised him developing an mRNA vaccine 💉 for the plandemic.

The plandemic had been planned by a group of demons and their mortal human disciples.

It was the start of a major depopulation event planned for the 2020s.

Baphometa arrived in the corporate pharmaceutical executive’s office.

“Well, Baphometa, where’s my reward?” The pharmaceutical corporate executive grinned.

“Here’s your reward,” Baphometa smiled and ripped him to shreds with her black nail polish fingernails.

It wasn’t quite the reward that the corporate pharmaceutical executive had in mind.

Baphometa left the office.

The ghost of Alfred Hitchcock appeared in front of the office video recording television camera.

“Good evening, ladies and gents,” the host of the popular 1950s and 1960s television series Alfred Hitchcock Presents began his familiar intro, “Tonight’s episode was brought to you by Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Microsoft and the George Soros Open Borders Foundation. Although they were not informed of the plot at the time they agreed to sponsor tonight’s episode. The moral of tonight’s episode is you should not be taken in by demons and children of demons for you will find yourself on the losing end every time.”

Just then Pope Francis’ face appeared on the TV screen, “Buona sera. I’m Pope Francis and I do not approve this message. I find it to be rigid and intolerant.”

-A vampire novel chapter
Written by Christopher
November 5th 2023.

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Jack O’ Hare Visits Sanditon: A Poem

July 4, 2023 at 8:37 pm (Culture, Entertainment, Literature, Poetry, Television, theatre, Theatre Arts) (, , , , , , )

Rose Williams as Charlotte Heywood catches sight of a wild hare jack rabbit on the set of the TV series Sanditon

That great and noble jack rabbit known as Jack O’ Hare
had travelled the world in search of his friend
His friend who vanished one day in 2011
His friend’s dad had vanished a year earlier
In 2010.

From the sad expression on his friend’s face
Something tragic must have happened to his friend’s dad
Who was also a friend.

For many happy years Jack O’ Hare had lived contentedly in the back yard of this house
Where lived a young man and his dad
Then one day Jack saw the dad being carried out on what looked like a bed
With two poles underneath
He was put into the back of a white vehicle
With red lettering and flashing lights
He was taken away in the vehicle
Jack never saw him again.

Then one day a month later his friend came home
Looking extraordinarily sad 😞
Something must have happened to his dad
Jack figured.

Then a year and a few months later
Jack saw the son leave
Carrying a number of items with him
Into a neighbour’s truck
He left
And never returned.

Jack thought though that the son didn’t want to leave
But something had happened
And he had to.

The next week other vans came
And men came and moved other items large and small
Out of the house
A strange sensation Jack felt
It felt that the house in which the man and his son had lived
Was now empty

Soon other vans came bringing other items into the house
And new people
Jack felt that whoever these people were
They might be nice
But they wouldn’t be as accommodating towards jack rabbits as the man
And his son were.

Jack decided to leave
And go out into the big world beyond
And who knows he might find his friend
The previous homeowner’s son

He somehow wound up in Vancouver
At a place called Stanley Park
Little did he know that his friend
The son lived in an apartment only a few blocks away

He left Vancouver
And boarded a ship
And travelled all over the world visiting various countries

He visited Malaysia and Vietnam
China and South Korea
He heard through a grape 🍇 vine
That the leader of North Korea
Liked roast rabbit for breakfast
So he didn’t go there

He went to Egypt 🇪🇬
Saw the pyramids
And sailed down the Nile
He visited the plains of Kenya
And saw giraffes 🦒 running wild and free
He stopped inside Rick’s Cafe in Casablanca
To have some crumpets and tea

Somehow Jack wound up in France
He saw one of those mischievous korrigans
Shoot up a traffic sign in Brittany
Because korrigans liked exceeding the
speed limit
He helped himself to dessert
In a restaurant on the Eiffel Tower
And ate a carrot 🥕
Underneath the Arc de Triomphe
While a Paris constable
Named Jacques Clouseau
Asked him if he knew
How to spell the word “minkey” 🙈

He visited England
And happened to be on the set of the ITV/PBS
Television series Sanditon
The day they shot the famous picnic 🧺 scene
With Charlotte Heywood and Alexander Colbourne
And Alexander’s daughter Leonora
And Leonora’s cousin Augusta

Rose Williams as Charlotte Heywood sees a jack rabbit approach

A technical crew had just finished setting up the picnic 🧺 baskets with food
As well as a blanket
“That food looks awfully delicious” Jack thought to himself,
“Quite nice of them to think of me.”

Rose Williams stood near the picnic blanket
Preparing herself mentally to get into the character of
Charlotte Heywood
When she saw Jack approach

Jack began helping himself to the sandwiches 🥪
And took a sip (well several sips actually) of tea
He then bowed in thanks in Charlotte’s direction
And hopped off.

“Was that in the script?” Rose asked.
“I don’t think so,” said one of the technicians.
“More sandwiches 🥪 for the picnic basket 🧺,”
Another tech called out.

“Has Turlough (referring to Turlough Convery who plays the ravenous appetite
Arthur Parker on Sanditon) been around again?”
The director asked
As Jack hopped in the direction of the seaside
And then went off into the sunset.

-A Jack O’ Hare poem
and narrative poem
Written by Christopher
Tuesday July 4th

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Shaw Cable TV Canada Now Caters Its Content Exclusively To Morons

May 18, 2023 at 9:30 pm (Commentary, Culture, Entertainment, News, Personal essays, Television, TV Shows) (, , , )

Now thanks to Shaw Cable TV Canada catering exclusively to the intelligence challenged crowd, viewing Jane Austen heroines on a cable channel on your TV set 📺 will be an increasingly difficult task.

Shaw Cable TV Canada is now openly discriminating against intelligent people.

I discovered this tonight when on my TV (which is hooked up to the landlord’s cable TV subscription service but after talking to him tonight, he didn’t make any changes to his subscription service, Shaw Cable unilaterally did) when I scrolled down on the guide to see what was on my two favourite channels – PBS Detroit and PBS Spokane – the only two channels I ever watch on a regular basis- I discovered to my horror they were gone.

And instead in its place was a long list of TV channels -which deducing from the subject lines- would only be actually watched and enjoyed by people who are total morons and imbeciles.

Although this may undoubtedly count for most of the population today.

Now admittedly programs like PBS Newshour and other news programs on PBS are inevitably Neo-Bolshevik Communist in their political slant and orientation.

But then again so is every other mainstream media news outlet in North America.

Which is why I refer to them all by the thoroughly accurate and all encompassing epithet – the brainless mainstream media.

But the major TV networks generally have nothing but mind numbing garbage 🗑️ for their regular programming and TV shows.

Whereas there is programming on PBS (usually invariably British) geared towards those who have a high intellect.

British programming operates on the basis that there are actually people out there who have an IQ above 100 and thus adjust their TV programming accordingly.

North American programming operates on the basis that there are loads of people out there who have an IQ below 100 (a thoroughly accurate and correct assumption) and adjust their programming accordingly.

At one time cable TV catered to both ends of the spectrum- those who enjoyed the crappy 💩 fast food equivalent of entertainment and those who enjoyed the equivalent of healthy and even gourmet food entertainment.

Now discrimination against the intelligent is increasingly the norm in a world of huge corporate mergers.

I suspect the bozos at Shaw Cable wouldn’t have made this decision had they not been taken over by the bozos at Rogers Cable.

I was against this merger from the start when talk of it first surfaced a couple of years ago.

Never has creating a monopoly been of any benefit to the consumer.

But naturally the merger was approved by the government of Canada’s bedwetting Neo-Stalinist tyrant Justin Trudeau.

Which right there should have constituted proof positive that this was indeed a bad deal.

-A commentary and personal essay
Written by Christopher
Thursday May 18th

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April 27, 2023 at 10:15 pm (Art, Arts, Commentary, Culture, Entertainment, Film, History, Literature, love, Movies, Personal essays, Romance, Television) (, , , , , , )

Sanditon is my favourite TV series of the past 3 years.

And if I had to give it some extra thought, I would probably come to the conclusion that it’s my favourite TV series of all time.

I’ve always had a thing for British Regency romance novels.

And for Jane Austen in particular.

Jane Austen being one of my top 5 favourite authors (the other 4 being William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle).

I first stumbled upon Sanditon a couple of years ago when someone posted the 6 episodes of Season 1 in English with German subtitles on YouTube (they’ve long since been removed).

From the pictures, they looked to be Regency dress and costumes.

So I clicked on Season 1 Episode 1 and started watching.

With the credits in German and no subtitles for the credits, I didn’t pay much attention.

But as I watched the show, the dialogue struck me and I thought this dialogue could easily have been written by Jane Austen.

For even though I was a big Jane Austen fan, I had never heard of her unfinished novel Sanditon.

And my father (who was a Public School History and Science teacher for over 30 years) and was a big Jane Austen fan had never mentioned Sanditon in his many discussions on her.

It was also from my dad that I inherited my love of Dickens and Shakespeare.

I developed my love for Dostoevsky after having received a book of Dostoevsky short stories from my Grade 12 Creative Writing teacher for getting the top marks in her Creative Writing class.

She had written an inscription in the book that my short stories that I had written reminded her of Dostoevsky’s short stories so that’s why she was buying me this book.

I had heard of many of Dostoevsky’s novels but I had never read any of his short stories at the time I was presented with that book.

I had read Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov in its entirety when I was just 14 years old (after having seen on late night television a movie version of it from the 1950s that starred Yul Brynner as Dmitri Karamazov).

And I inherited my love for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle when I read a children’s book edition of The Hound of the Baskervilles when I was just 8 years old and have been a big Sherlock Holmes fan ever since.

It was sometime after watching that YouTube series with English dialogue and German subtitles that I read that the series Sanditon was based on an unfinished novel by Jane Austen.

Well that explains how the dialogue in the series reminded me so much of Jane Austen I thought.

Last year I found myself in the middle of a move.

When the trailer I was renting a room in was sold by the landlord.

After about a month (during which time I stayed with a friend), I finally found a new place.

The landlady was a sympathetic woman who took sympathy in my plight as a struggling author and bought me a television set and hooked me up to the house’s cable.

Sadly she separated from the landlord last summer.

The landlord is a bit of a dipstick or a lot of a dipstick as he stepped on my android tablet last October thoroughly ruining the keyboard on it and never offered to replace it.

A friend of mine bought me a new iPad 15 Pro this past February so now I can once again do a lot more writing.

I got my new TV from my then landlady in mid-March of 2022.

One night after discovering I got both PBS Detroit and PBS Spokane on it, I tuned in one Sunday night and discovered Season 2 of Sanditon.

It was about halfway through the season when I started watching.

Half way through the episode I made the brilliant Sherlockian deduction that Sidney Parker must have died.

Which turned out to be correct.

However I found the figure of Alexander Colbourne a lot more intriguing than Sidney Parker.

Alexander Colbourne reminded me of a far better looking version of Orson Welles’ portrayal of Edward Rochester in the 1943 film Jane Eyre (based on the Charlotte Brontë novel).

Ben Lloyd-Hughes’ portrayal of Alexander Colbourne has all the existential angst of Welles’ portrayal of Edward Rochester in Jane Eyre but is far better looking than Welles (as is to be expected from a Jane Austen hero).

This is not to take anything away from Orson Welles who is one of my film idols.

He had an outstanding intellect and was a great director and screenplay writer.

I also have the ghost of Orson Welles appearing as a character in my vampire novel (having been dispensationally released from Purgatory by Hades the Greek god of the Underworld).

Of course not having the sexual orientation of Truman Capote or Gore Vidal, I didn’t start becoming a big fan of Sanditon because of Ben Lloyd-Hughes’ portrayal of Alexander Colbourne.

It was Rose Williams’ portrayal of Charlotte Heywood and Crystal Clarke’s portrayal of Georgiana Lambe that drew me in.

I’m not going to reveal any spoilers in my review here.

I will mention some of the very humorous dialogue:

Charlotte Heywood: Your niece Augusta thinks that you regard her as an intolerable burden to you.

Alexander Colbourne: Those were her exact words?

Charlotte Heywood: Well they were in French but yes.

And in the scene where the clergyman is giving a wedding rehearsal for Lady Denham and Rowleigh Price (an elderly couple getting married), the vicar says, “And in my sermon when I talk on conjugal relations, I shall point out that the world conjugal comes from the Latin word meaning ‘to yoke’…” to which Lady Denham responds, “You most certainly will not.”

The TV series Sanditon had excellent cinematography.

I would watch each episode 3 or 4 times on a Sunday night.

The two times it was shown on PBS Detroit and then the two times it was shown on PBS Spokane.

One of the stations had it on a third time early Monday morning but which I watched with the volume on Mute so as not to disturb my roommates in the house.

It was with the sound off (but knowing what the dialogue was having watched it twice before) that I truly appreciated the cinematography.

Episode 5 of Season 3 was a cinematic masterpiece.

Each scene one of the characters was in light and the other character was in semi-darkness within the same scene.

Save towards the final scenes when both characters were in the light.

A true cinematic masterpiece.

And the entire production of Sanditon was a masterpiece.

I’m usually leery of someone trying to finish a great author’s unfinished work because it invariably isn’t up to par with the author’s excellence of style.

But the makers and the cast of Sanditon succeeded.

They created a masterpiece.

Jane Austen was a great woman and a great author.

She deserves nothing less.

-A personal commentary
and review
Written by Christopher
Thursday April 27th

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Mistress of The Dark

June 30, 2022 at 10:59 pm (Entertainment, Film, Horror, Mystery/horror, Mythology, Short Story, Television, TV Shows, Vampire novel) (, , , , )

Greek goddess Aphrodite filling in for vintage horror movie TV show hostess Vampira on a summer evening in Los Angeles in 1954

Vampira hosted a vintage horror movie TV show on the Los Angeles ABC TV affiliate KABC-TV from 1954 to 1955.

It was a summer evening in 1954 and Vampira had come down with laryngitis.

How was she to host her show tonight?

It was fortunate for Vampira that her drinking companion that night was the Greek goddess Aphrodite.

Aphrodite volunteered to fill in for her.

The scene now switches to a Los Angeles home where 8-year-old Henry a rather precocious boy used to go downstairs to the living room while his parents were asleep and turn on the family black and white TV on low volume and watch The Vampira Show on late night TV.

Tonight he was doing the same again.

The show’s announcer announced, “Regrettably Vampira is unable to host the show tonight…”

“Awwww…” said Henry.

“However Aphrodite is going to fill in for her and here’s Aphrodite…”

“Yay,” said Henry when he saw her.

Henry didn’t think much of the movie being shown but he did like the scenes where Aphrodite gave commentary.

Having divine sight, the goddess saw the psychopathic clown that had entered Henry’s family home and was holding a knife over Henry as the boy sat on the floor in front of the television.

She grabbed the vampire stake from inside the movie being shown and putting her hand through the TV screen in the living room staked the psychopathc clown to death.

“Wow, cool,” Henry enthused.

His mother was not so enthusiastic when she saw the mess on the living toom floor the next morning.

Henry was unable to sit down comfortably for the next week.

-A short story
and vampire novel chapter
written by Christopher
Thursday June 30th

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Renfield’s Monday Night Podcast and Michelangelo’s Vision of Renfield At Future Oscars

March 28, 2022 at 10:56 pm (Arts, Culture, Entertainment, Film, Geopolitics and International Relations, International Intrigue, Movies, News, Television, Vampire novel) (, , , , , )

Violinist Tina Guo is performing with the Hans Zimmer Live Tour over in Europe
Hans Zimmer won Best Musical Score for the movie Dune at last night’s Oscars

British MP Renfield R. Renfield was doing a Monday night podcast.

Said Renfield, “A few days ago senile old fool Joe Biden was in Poland shooting his mouth off about “freedom” and “liberty”.
What does a vaccinazi despot like Joe Biden know about “freedom” and “liberty” when he wanted to impose a national vaccine mandate on all of America?
The senile old fool Joe Biden also called for “Putin to be removed from power”. There’s nothing like tellng the leader of a rival nuclear power that you want him removed from power.
Of course Joe Biden’s handlers want nuclear war with Russia.
That way they can reduce the world’s population without waiting for those vaccine booster shots to kick in.
Although they are doing an excellent job in my own country of England.
British government data shows that 92.2% of all Covid deaths are among the triple vaccinated.
And last week Eastern European members of the European Parliament gave visiting Canadian Neo-Stalinist tyrant Justin Trudeau the raspberry that he so richly deserved.
Romanian and Croatian MEPs mentioned how he sent police horses to trample peaceful protestors and then passed an Emergencies Act so that he could seize the bank accounts of people whose political views he disagreed with.
This is the stuff of dictatorship the Romanian and Croatian MEPs pointed out (who were all too familiar with Communist dictators in their own countries).
Even the Presidents of both El Salvador and Honduras have called Justin Trudeau a despot and a dictator for sending police horses to trample protestors and for seizing bank accounts.
Personally I think Justin Trudeau should be publicly hanged by the neck until dead and his Nazi/Communist hybrid hag henchwoman Chrystia Freeland should be burnt at the stake as a witch.
Failing that, both of them should be charged with high treason against the Charter of Rights in the Canadian Constitution (that Justin’s stepdad Pierre had put in) and then thrown in jail.
If Justin Castro Trudeau was to have his lily white ass sodomized numerous times while he was in prison,that would be the best thing that could ever happen to him.”

. . .

Michelangelo the Psychic Lobster had a vision of a future Oscars ceremony some years down the road.

Renfield had been nominated for the role of Best Actor for playing the role of Prince Hal in a Kenneth Branagh directed production of William Shakespeare’s Henry IV Part 1.

Michelangelo was surprised to see Renfield was married in the vision as he sat at a front table close to the stage with his wife.

A foul mouthed comedian Justin Trudeau was to present the next award for Best Porn Film (a new Oscar category) in Michelangelo’s vision.

Foul mouthed comedian Justin Trudeau was a former Canadian Prime Minister who had been jailed for treason for a number of years.

Despite Justin Trudeau having been such a huge asshole, believe it or not his anus was a lot bigger after it had left prison than it was before coming in.

The foul mouthed alleged comic Justin Trudeau made an obscene insulting remark about Renfield’s wife.

Renfield got up on to the stage and approached the foul mouthed comic.

“Oh, oh,” one of the Academy Awards commentators could be heard saying, “I wonder if Renfield is going to punch Justin Trudeau like Will Smith did to Chris Rock a few years back.”

Renfield reached into his pocket, pulled out a gun and blew Justin Trudeau’s head off.

Justin Trudeau lay dead on the stage in a pool of blood- his perfectly coiffured hair now a tangled mess.

“Oh, oh,” one of the other commentators said, “I wonder what can be done about this situation as Renfield was granted a 007 License To Kill by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II a few years back. Maybe if he wins the Best Actor Award for his portrayal of Prince Hal in Henry IV Part 1, they’ll take the Oscar away from him.”

“Not if they want to live until the next morning, they won’t,” his commentating partner suggested.

-A vampire novel chapter
written by Christopher
Monday March 28th

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Renfield’s Regency Croquet Match: All Is Fair In Love and War

March 23, 2022 at 10:36 pm (Culture, Film, Geopolitics and International Relations, History, International Intrigue, Literature, News, Politics, Television, Vampire novel) ()

After watching an episode of a television series that was set in Regency England, British MP Renfield R. Renfield fell asleep and dreamed that he was a young nobleman in Regency England.

After escorting the Prince Regent through local ale houses and giving advice to Arthur Wellesley the Duke of Wellington on how to defeat Napoleon, Renfield set out for high tea at Lady Vandeermeer’s Estate.

There he met two beautiful charming young ladies with whom he discussed the novels of Jane Austen.

In the middle of his watercress sandwich the valet to Lady Vandermeer delivered Renfield a note from his sometimes rival the Russian Vladimir Painintheassovich.

Vladimir Painintheassovich told Renfield that he was out on the Estate’s grounds with two gentlemen and that they would like to challenge Renfield to a game of croquet that is if Renfield could find two other partners to form a team.

Renfield immediately invited his two charming young Jane Austen Literary Society companions to form a team with him.

Renfield, his two lovely young literary society companions and a corgi who will serve as ball retriever

Renfield and his lovely young companions approached their rivals.

The Russian Vladimir Painintheassovich stood directly across from Renfield.

On Vladimir’s right was the Emperor Napoleon and on his left Ares the Greek god of war.

Lady Vandermeer’s valet brought some Ukrainian perogies with sour cream for Renfield and his companions to munch on before the match began.

Vladimir, Napoleon and Ares ate blood sausages and salt water tears wept by a young widow and her children.

When the match started, Renfield hit a ball that went flying into the right temple of the Emperor Napoleon and sent the Little Corporal unconscious alongside the Estate pond.

“Napoleon appears to have met his Waterloo,” Renfield remarked.

Ares sent his ball flying at the little corgi knocking him out cold.

“Thou black hearted snerd,” said Renfield’s lovely teammate who was wearing the green velvet dress with hints of gold decorating.

Ares’ nose was broken by the ball fired by the beauty in the green dress.

The god of war was carried off the croquet field.

Vladimir Painintheassovich called out to the beauty wearing the peach pink dress with hints of gold decorating.

“Hey babe, how would you like to see me ride a horse shirtless?” He said.

“I think all horses are shirtless aren’t they?” Answered the beauty in the peach pink dress, “I’ve never seen a horse wear a shirt.”

She fired a croquet ball at the Russian’s balls knocking him off his high horse which he had just crawled up on.

Renfield then finished the Russian off with a croquet ball fired to the forehead.

The MP then woke up.

“Ah, if only life were like a Regency England croquet match,” he ordered himself a cup of tea.

-A vampire novel chapter
written by Christopher
Wednesday March 23rd

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Happy Saint Patrick’s Day From A Green Dress Marilyn

March 17, 2022 at 10:24 pm (Entertainment, Geopolitics and International Relations, International Intrigue, News, Politics, Television, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , )

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day from a green dress wearing Marilyn Monroe

A holographic image of a green dress wearing Marilyn Monroe appeared to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson wishing him a “Happy Saint Patrick’s Day”.

“Why, thank you very much,” Johnson smiled.

“I understand the President of France, the Chancellor of Germany and the Prime Minister of Italy got green sprayed Irish stink bombs this Saint Patrick’s Day,” Mrs. Johnson noted.

“I wonder why they got that while I got a holographic image of Marilyn Monroe wearing a sexy green dress,” Johnson scratched the uncombed and unkempt top of his head.

“I think it was because France’s Emmanuel Macron, Germany’s Olaf Scholz and Italy’s Mario Draghi didn’t remove vaccine passports while you did,” Mrs. Johnson answered.

“Are you suggesting British MP Renfield R. Renfield was behind those stink bomb attacks?” Johnson drank a pint of Guinness.

“I am,” Mrs. Johnson had a shot of Jameson.

Meanwhile in Ottawa, Canada’s Neo-Stalinist tyrant Justin Trudeau had 666 tons of smelly green fertilizer (produced by patriotic Irish cows who only shit green) dumped on the front lawn of his house.

In Washington D.C., a package of green dye exploded inside of Joe Biden’s pair of Depends when Biden’s bowels exploded again.

In Dublin, Ireland, a group of serpents hiding behind a rainbow coloured flag had taken over the Irish government.

And hissed, “Good-bye land of Saint Patrick.”

Meanwhile British MP Renfield R. Renfield was doing a Thursday night podcast.

Renfield began his podcast with a question, “What kind of Communist is Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Oleksandrovich Zelenskiy?”.

The MP, in answer to his own question, replied, “Obviously a fruity one. Since he once did a music video showing him wearing high-heeled shoes and tight clinging black leather pants engaging in homo-erotic activities with other men that would make even Australia’s infamous Uncle Ernie wince.”

Renfield went on, “The fruity Communist Zelenskiy (puppet of Trotskyite billionaire George Soros) in a virtual TV address to the current gang of idiots who make up the U.S. Congress described Joe Biden as “the leader of the free world”. Now, what sort of leader in their right mind would describe the Depends wearing senile old fool Joe Biden as the “leader of the free world”? The answer is no leader in their right mind would.”

Renfield continued, “This is the same Volodymyr Zelenskiy who said he was inspired to enter politics by Canada’s asinine Neo-Bolshevik Communist leader the wimpy soy-boy looking pansy Justin Trudeau (who must have come as the most ironic example of karmic justice for an extremely macho Caribbean tinpot dictator to have sired). That’s all that needs to be said for Zelenskiy. This New World Order trained seal in flippers with tight zippers obviously doesn’t quite cut the mustard or anything else for that matter.”

The ghost of Rod Serling then asked the question, “What type of Communist is Volodymyr Oleksandrovich Zelenskiy? A hidden one masquerading as a celebrity comedian. In other words, a cunning and even more dangerous Communist.”

The host of the TV shows Night Gallery and The Twilight Zone went on, “The good people of Ukraine have been had by a 10c a dance comedian who should have been booed off the stage the first time he appeared as President. Sadly this is not the first time that brutal Communism has hid its hammer from an unsuspecting public.”

Concluded Serling, “Now we’ve got a 21st Century Trotsky in Ukraine fighting a 21st Century Czar from Russia. And a Vicar of Pachamama now wants to consecrate both Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. At one time back in the late 1950s and early 1960s, such things would have been considered part of the Twilight Zone. Today they’re the world of CNN News.”

-A vampire novel chapter
written by Christopher
Thursday March 17th

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The Woman At The Time Tunnel Entrance

February 4, 2022 at 11:33 pm (Espionage, Geopolitics and International Relations, History, International Intrigue, News, Radio, Technology, Television, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , )

The woman at the entrance to a 1947 built Time Tunnel

After doing some research on the topic, Prof. William Charles a professor of Mythology, Folklore, Vampirism, Lycanthropy and Paranormal Studies at Oxford discovered that the U.S. government had built a time tunnel (like the famous 1960s television series Time Tunnel in which a tunnel was used to travel backwards and forwards in time) in 1947.

The time tunnel was built using a prototype plan drawn up by the famous Serbian-American scientist Nikola Tesla.

The time tunnel blew up under mysterious circumstances that same year.

Charles wondered what caused the explosion.

Meanwhile Canadian vampire hunter Dracul Van Helsing and the ghost of Orson Welles had used the Tesla-Houdini-Pantages-Welles-Lamarr magic film projector to go back in time to the town of Mesquite Nevada in 1947.

Mesquite Nevada was where the time tunnel was located.

It was to be found under an old blacksmith’s shop building that dated back to the 1880s.

Michelangelo the Psychic Lobster in one of his visions had discovered that there was a radio screenplay writer from the 1940s who had found the time tunnel and used it to travel forward in time to the mid-2020s.

He then used his connection with the time tunnel to travel back in time throughout various decades to write predictive programming episodes for The Simpsons sitcom American TV cartoon show.

Since he knew the future (having come from there), he wrote about future events on The Simpsons such as Donald Trump becoming President and a truck convoy frightening Canada’s brainless Prime Minister Justin Trudeau out of his Ottawa office.

Van Helsing and Welles’ ghost supported the Canadian truckers’ efforts to end vaccine mandates being enforced by the various Neo-Bolshevik Communist and Neo-Fascist levels of government throughout Canada.

Most of Canada’s Neo-Bolshevik Communist and Neo-Fascist leaders were in favour of World Economic Forum Chairman Klaus Schwab’s plans for the Great Reset (which was just another name for a totalitarian One World government).

Klaus Schwab had a lifelong fascination with Hitler and his German National Socialist Workers’ form of government and admired it.

Even though Klaus Schwab’s own mother was Jewish.

Her name was Marianne Rothschild (yes- of those Rothschilds).

Van Helsing and Welles’ ghost were acting to prevent Justin Trudeau from declaring martial law in Canada.

And Michelangelo’s own sense was that the radio screenplay writer from the 1940s who wrote predictive programming episodes for The Simpsons TV Show was sympathetic towards Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset and Pope Francis’ proposed Human Fraternity Mystery Babylon Harlot Church.

Thus hoping to prevent the man’s future time travels, Van Helsing and Welles’ ghost were going to blow up the 1947 time tunnel.

When they entered the old Mesquite Nevada blacksmith’s shop and went down to the cellar where the time tunnel was, they discovered this woman:

The guardian of the time tunnel

Van Helsing picked up the woman while Welles’ ghost put down the ticking time bomb set to go off in another 5 minutes.

They returned to the present day.

Van Helsing then made out with the woman while Welles’ ghost made for a reluctant voyeur.

-A vampire novel chapter
written by Christopher
Friday February 4th

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Obnoxious Idiot Jimmy Kimmel Torn Apart By Black Jaguar While CDC Acts Like Orwellian Animal Farm Pigs

September 9, 2021 at 11:00 pm (Geopolitics and International Relations, International Intrigue, News, Television, Vampire novel) (, , )

British MP Renfield R. Renfield was doing another podcast.

Renfield was sitting at his desk reading his script in front of him.

Behind Renfield on the left hand side of a viewer’s screen was a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee riding his horse.

The statue of Lee and his horse stood atop a group of small Antifa rioter figurines who were crushed beneath the feet of Lee’s horse.

On the right hand side of the viewer’s screen was an oil painting of Sir Winston Churchill the great British wartime anti-Nazi leader who had recently been condemned and cancelled by Britain’s politically correct “woke” crowd who were anxious to show the world they were every bit as stupid and unbelievably low IQ types as America’s politically correct “woke” crowd.

In the middle of the screen directly behind Renfield’s back was what looked like an illustration that might have appeared on the cover of old 1970s Warren Publishing Company Horror Magazines of the types Vampirella, Creepy, Eerie or Famous Monsters of Filmland.

The illustration showed a voodoo witch doctor wearing a mask that looked much like Dr. Anthony Fauci giving what appeared to be a vaccine/serum injection to the brainless body of a zombie that seemed to be waking up and was now “woke”.

Renfield read his first news item,

“On September 1st 2021, the United States Center For Disease Control (CDC) updated its website’s definition of the word “vaccination” replacing the word “immunity” with the word “protection”.

Prior to September 1st 2021, the original definition of “vaccination” on the CDC’s website read,

VACCINATION: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.

The definition of “vaccination” on the CDC’s website now reads,

VACCINATION: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.

So we’ve gone from “immunity” to “protection” in the newest CDC definition of “vaccination”.

The CDC are like the ruling pigs in George Orwell’s novella Animal Farm who changed the signs on the farm overnight to read something new.

Originally the sign read ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL.

But then the sign was changed to ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS in order to explain the pigs becoming an elite like Farmer Jones had been.

Why is the CDC changing the defintion?

Because it’s admitting that the vaccine (which is actually a genetic modifier serum not a true vaccine) does not provide immunity to Covid-19 and its numerous variants.

Now it’s trying to say it provides protection.

It probably provides about the same degree of protection as that baffling “ear condum” the demonically possessed Lady Gaga mentions in her love song to Judas proclaiming Judas as the demon she clings to.

After all, Israel’s latest report on the Pfizer vaccine now shows it to be only 39% effective against the various variants of Covid-19.

Speaking of Orwellian attacks on language, the online Merriam-Webster Dictionary (called the Ministry of Truth in some circles) has redefined the word “Anti-Vaxxer” to include those who do not support forced vaccination.

On a side note, Dr. Anthony Fauci says that only half of CDC employees are vaccinated.

The CDC currently does not require any of its own staff to receive the Covid-19 vaccination.

And in another example of what might have been considered satire at one time but is actually happening, the National Archives Records Administration branch of the U.S. government is now placing a “harmful content” warning label on copies of the U.S. Constitution.

The National Archives Records Administration labeled the governing document of the United States of America as “harmful and difficult to view”.

The warning now applies to many documents across the Archives’ catalog website including the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.

Says NARA, “Some of the materials presented here may reflect outdated, biased, offensive and possibly violent views and opinions.”

I’m sure George III of England, Stalin, Hitler and Mao Tse-tung would positively agree.

And it would appear that Communists have now taken over most branches of the U.S. government.

How did that happen?

And how did the world not notice?

One would think we were sidelined by a global pandemic or plandemic or scamdemic or something.”

Renfield went on to his next news item.

Said Renfield,

“The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust in London has removed pictures of the wartime leader from its website and is going to be changing its name in the very near future.

This is an example of British “wokeness” at its worst.

I’m now going to drink a brandy and toast Winston Churchill. And to Hell with the woke crowd.”

Renfield drinks a brandy and moves on to his next news item.

Said Renfield,

“Late night TV talk show host and constantly grinning idiot Jimmy Kimmel, a man best described as Adolf Eichmann with a smile, says that unvaccinated people should not be treated in hospitals.”

At that moment, Michelangelo the Psychic Lobster had a vision of Simone Simon (as her character of Irena Dubrovna in the 1942 Jacques Tourneur directed horror film The Cat People) suddenly turn into a black jaguar and leap off the TV screen from a Late Night Cinema movie and jump into a TV screen where Jimmy Kimmel was blathering away his Vaccinazi-Coviet Pact nonsense.

She leapt on the obnoxious talk show host and tore him to bits with her claws and fangs.

The show’s announcer announced, “Time for a commercial break. And Jimmy won’t be back after this message.”

Simone Simon ends Jimmy Kimmel’s career.

-A vampire novel chapter
written by Christopher
Thursday September 9th

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