The Nymph On The Stone

May 8, 2024 at 9:07 pm (Art, Art History, Folklore, Geopolitics and International Relations, Ghost Story, History, International Intrigue, Literature, love, Mythology, News, Romance, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , , , )

Drusilla the Dryad sitting on the stone that was once the sight of Arthur’s famous Sword in The Stone.

Wood nymphs in classical Greek mythology were called Dryads.

And thus Drusilla the Dryad was a wood nymph.

A nymph that had emerged out of the woods in this park to sit on this stone.

But this was no ordinary stone.

This was the stone that had once held the famous Sword in The Stone of Arthurian legend.

The stone where there was an inscription in front of it that read WHOSOEVER PULLETH THE SWORD OUT OF THIS STONE IS THE RIGHTFUL HIGH KING OF THE BRITONS.

And Arthur who thought he was the son of Sir Hector had pulled the sword out of the stone.

And that was because he was in fact the son of Uther Pendragon the last High King of the Britons prior to Arthur pulling the sword out of this stone.

But in those days the sword and this stone had been in the churchyard of an ancient church.

The church was called the Church of St. Michael and St. George.

But when Henry VIII made himself the Head on Earth of the Church of England in November 1534 and started dissolving monasteries and razing a few churches, the Church of Saint Michael and Saint George was razed to the ground.

Because a woman seer had told Henry that someday a descendant of King Arthur would be crowned King of all of Britain at that spot.

And the woman seer told Henry that despite his father King Henry VII’s propaganda, the Tudor family of Wales were not descended from King Arthur.

In fact, Henry’s elder brother who should have been king was in fact named Arthur to go along with post-War of The Roses 🌹 🥀 Tudor propaganda.

Their father King Henry VII’s desire was for Arthur to become king and for Henry to become a priest with hopes that someday in their father’s eyes he would become Archbishop of Canterbury.

And thus the Tudor family would control both Church and State in England.

With Arthur as King running the state.

And the younger Henry as Archbishop of Canterbury running the church.

But then Arthur died.

And Henry became heir to the throne.

But since he had studied to become a priest, Henry did have an extensive background in theology.

It was that background that allowed Henry to write a book against the ideas of Martin Luther which he called In Defense of The Seven Sacraments that he wrote in 1521.

That same year of 1521 on October 11th, Pope Leo X gave Henry VIII the title Defender of The Faith (a title that British monarchs still hold today) as reward for writing that pamphlet against Luther and his ideas.

On November 3rd 1534 the British Parliament gave King Henry VIII the title of Head On Earth of the Church of England.

On December 31st 1534 the Church of Saint Michael and Saint George (where the young Arthur Pendragon had pulled the sword out of the stone) was completely destroyed and demolished.

The only thing that remained was the stone (that had once held the sword).

And that was because time had forgotten what stone it was.

Today the area where the ancient church and ancient churchyard had once stood was now a public park.

And Drusilla the Dryad (a wood nymph of classical Greek mythology) was currently sitting on the stone that had once held the sword of Arthurian legend.

As Christopher Dracul Van Helsing walked through the park, he noticed the beautiful and forever young immortal nymph Drusilla the Dryad sitting on a stone.

“Good day, Miss,” Van Helsing approached the beautiful Drusilla, “Are you a fan of Arthurian myth?”.

“A myth that was once reality,” Drusilla answered, “for Arthur pulled the sword out of this stone here.”

“I wonder where I should place my sword?” Dracul mused aloud.

“Sir, I do not like your tone,” Drusilla’s eyes flashed fire.

“And what are you going to do about it?” Van Helsing demanded to know.

“This,” and with that the lovely young nymph Drusilla took Dracul over her knee and across her lap and ripped off his clothes and spanked him on the bare bottom.

“No,” the ghost of Orson Welles cried when he came around the corner carrying an extensively large spectral picnic 🧺 lunch 🥗 🥙 🥪 🍗 basket 🧺 and saw what was happening.

And so that was how Drusilla, Dracul and the ghost of Orson Welles spent V-E (Victory In Europe) Day 2024.

-A vampire novel chapter
Written by Christopher
Wednesday May 8th

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The Enchantress Morgana Walks Along The Beach At Cornwall

April 29, 2024 at 9:01 pm (Art, Art History, Folklore, Gothic, History, Literature, magic, Mythology, Romance, Sorcery, The Supernatural) (, , , )

Morgana walking along the beach at Cornwall

The enchantress Morgana (also known as Morgan Le Fay) was the daughter of Igraine and Gorlois the Duke of Cornwall.

She had two sisters named Elaine and Morgause.

Their father Gorlois the Duke of Cornwall had died many years ago after having been slain by soldiers loyal to Uther Pendragon the High King of Britain.

For Uther Pendragon had fallen in love with their mother Igraine.

The wizard Merlin (a practitioner of the old Celtic Druidic religion) had used his dark magical powers to give Uther Pendragon the appearance of Gorlois the Duke of Cornwall.

Uther in the appearance of Gorlois entered Igraine’s bedchamber at Tintagel Castle and thinking that he was her husband, she slept with him.

The future King Arthur was conceived that very night.

And that same evening Gorlois was slain by Uther Pendragon’s soldiers.

Having been told by Merlin that Igraine was with child (his – Uther Pendragon’s child), Uther married Igraine.

After Arthur was born, Merlin took the boy and gave him to one of Uther Pendragon’s loyal knights Sir Hector to be raised.

After Uther died and it looked like Britain would descend into civil war in order to decide on a new High King, a sword appeared in a stone in a country churchyard with the inscription Whoever Pulls The Sword Out of This Stone Is The Rightful High King of Britain.

Arthur (who thought he was the son of Sir Hector) pulled the sword out of the stone.

But that would be a year away and on this night on the Cornish beach near Tintagel Castle, Morgana was walking along the beach.

Having received a note from a handsome young lad to meet her tonight.

. . .

Morgana continues to stroll along the beach at Cornwall

And so it was on this dark and stormy night that Morgana strolled towards the rocks on the beach where the handsome young man said he would meet her.

. . .

Morgana heads back to Tintagel Castle along the beach at Cornwall

Having waited at the rocks (where they were to meet) for a full two hours, Morgana decided that the handsome young man wasn’t coming and decided to walk back to Tintagel Castle.

. . .

Morgana turns around when she hears Arthur calling to her along the beach at Cornwall

But as she walked back to Tintagel Castle, she heard the handsome young man call to her.

She turned around and he waved at her.

Apparently Arthur had been delayed, having to slay a fire breathing dragon, a gryphon, a cockatrice and a basilisk on his way to meet her.

Walking along this beach at night had filled Morgana with dread.

Then when she heard Arthur call her name, she had been temporarily filled with more dread.

9 months later, a son was born to Morgana whom she named Mordred.

Because of Uther Pendragon’s lecherous adultery and then what happened on this Cornish beach on this dark and stormy night, Camelot only lasted “for one brief shining moment”.

-AI Generated Images
Imagined, created and made
By Christopher
Sunday April 28th

-Arthurian story
Written by Christopher
Monday April 29th

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Dialogue In Tartarus, Joe Biden Talks To A Marijuana Plant Plus Renfield Composes A Song

April 18, 2024 at 9:45 pm (Art, Art History, Folklore, Geopolitics and International Relations, International Intrigue, Mythology, News, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , )

There was a tradition in the fiery realm of Tartarus in the Underworld of Hades whereby in one section of Tartarus at a time roasting persons were given permission to talk to their roasting neighbours exactly 10 days after a total solar eclipse over a part of the earth.

This was a tradition developed by the overseeing demon of Tartarus and since there was no demonic Pope Francis to overturn and do away with demonic traditions, the tradition continues today.

Today being April 18th 2024 (exactly 10 days after a total solar eclipse over the U.S), roasting inhabitants of section 34 Z of the sections of Tartarus were given permission to talk to one another.

“I used to be a Byzantine Emperor,” one well roasted looking individual told his well roasted looking neighbour on his neighbouring rotating rotisserie barbecue spit, “I became Emperor of Byzantium by arranging to have my predecessor assassinated.”

“Well golly gee, how about that for a coincidence?” His well roasted looking neighbour spoke with a deep Texas drawl, “I became President of the United States of America exactly the same way.”

. . .

Senile old fool Joe Biden was sitting on the White House lawn talking to a marijuana plant (a gift given to him by Canada’s Justin Trudeau).

“When is somebody going to assassinate that bastard Robert F. Kennedy Jr.?” Biden said to the bored looking marijuana plant, “I keep refusing to sign an Executive Order granting Secret Service Protection to him even though he’s an official candidate for President of the United States.”

. . .

Renfield was sitting in his office watching American television via satellite.

Suddenly a biologically born male member of Joe Biden’s cabinet came on doing a TV commercial.

The commercial was a 21st Century version of an early 1980s TV commercial that featured world champion gymnast Cathy Rigby.

“Hello,” said the Biden cabinet member, “I bet you’ve never heard a biologically born male talk about feminine protection before. Well I wanted to be the first because I think it’s perfectly natural.”

Renfield picked up his guitar and began composing and singing a paraphrased version of an early 1970s Ray Stevens song,

“Oh yes, they call him the Fag,
Thinks he’s got a pussy with a rag…”

When Justin Trudeau heard the song, he snivelled, “Is that accursed British MP making fun of me again?”.

-A vampire novel chapter
Written by Christopher
Thursday April 18th 2024

The Kraken Rises From The Sea
As it would have been painted by
19th Century British Romantic
Painter J.M.W. Turner

. . .

Count Dracula With Wolves and Bats On A Moonlit Night
As it would have been painted by
19th Century British artist
John Constable

. . .

The Mummy Rising From His Tomb
As it would have been painted by
19th Century French artist
Pierre-Auguste Renoir

. . .

Cthulhu Emerging From The Sea On To A Tahitian Beach
As it would have been painted by
19th Century French artist Paul Gauguin

-AI Generated Images
Imagined, created and made
By Christopher
Thursday April 18th

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The Ghost Rider and The Princess

March 22, 2024 at 9:39 pm (Folklore, Geopolitics and International Relations, Ghost Story, Gothic, History, Horror, International Intrigue, Literature, Mystery/horror, Sorcery, The Occult, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , )

Princess Marie Louise finds herself carried away by a ghost rider as living dead zombie demon possessed monks follow them.

Marie Louise was a princess in the rather large Bonaparte family.

She herself was named after the Emperor Napoleon I’s 2nd wife the Empress Marie Louise who was Empress of the French and Queen of Italy from their marriage on April 1st 1810 until Napoleon’s abdication on April 6th 1814.

One of Marie Louise’s first cousins once removed had been the former Emperor Napoleon III of France.

Napoleon III had been deposed as Emperor on September 4th 1870 and died in exile in England on January 9th 1873.

The current year was 1880 and an arrogant young Prussian/German Prince named Wilhelm had become attracted to her.

Wilhelm (who was the grandson of the German Emperor Wilhelm I) was 21.

She was 20.

And she rejected his advances.

Not wanting to marry into the German dynasty that caused the end of Bonaparte rule in France.

Angered at not getting his own way, Wilhelm swore revenge.

He happened to meet a voodoo practitioner from Haiti (who had the curious name Roast Beef Duval) in Berlin.

Being Haitian, Roast Beef Duval was anti-Bonaparte himself since the original Napoleon tried to bring back Haiti under French rule but ultimately failed in 1804.

Roast Beef Duval went to a French cemetery where a German officer Klaus Meincroft of Ingolstadt (killed in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71) was buried.

Duval raised both Meincroft and his black horse Shiva (the two had been killed together and buried together) from the dead.

There was also a nearby ruined monastery the Abbey of Saint Sulpice where it was said back in the 14th Century that the monks had become demonically possessed en masse.

The monastery had been closed by Dominican inquisitors sent from the Vatican.

Roast Beef Duval likewise raised the bodies of the demon possessed monks from the dead.

To add to the spectacle, Roast Beef Duval summoned giant bats 🦇 from nearby caves.

And thus it came to pass that the poor Princess Marie Louise Bonaparte found herself being carried away by the ghost rider officer Klaus Meincroft of Ingolstadt on the back of the fiery smoke breathing black horse Shiva while being pursued by demon possessed monks and black bats through an old medieval cemetery on an eerie moonlit night.

It was fortunate for the princess that a Dutch gentleman from Amsterdam in the Netherlands was walking through the forest at the time.

He was actually looking for something else but the kit he was carrying with him was useful for what he currently saw.

Doctor Abraham Van Helsing (for that was the man’s name) opened the kit and pulled out several guns that had in them several silver bullets blessed by Holy Water.

Van Helsing took aim at the ghost rider, the fiery smoke breathing black horse and the living dead demon possessed monks.

And fired.

They dropped like flies.

Princess Marie Louise Bonaparte was grateful to be rescued.

And as for Roast Beef Duval, he discovered too late in a Paris restaurant that night that he apparently had a fatal allergy to French Dijon mustard that he only discovered after smothering his slice of roast beef with French Dijon mustard and then taking a huge bite.

-A vampire novel chapter
Written by Christopher
Friday March 22nd

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Vampiress Manat At Heavy Metal Irish Pub In Dublin On St. Patrick’s Day

March 17, 2024 at 8:09 pm (Folklore, Geopolitics and International Relations, International Intrigue, Mythology, News, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , , , , , )

The vampiress Manat was performing at a heavy metal 🎸 🤘 Irish ☘️ pub in Dublin on St. Patrick’s Day.

Manat was one of three vampiresses famous in the Middle East.

She was the sister of Al-Lat (better known in the West as Lilith since that was the name she was called in the Babylonian Talmud) and also the sister of Al-Muzza.

The heavy metal 🎸 Irish ☘️ pub where she was performing was called The Screaming Leprechaun and was located in a back alley just off O’ Connell Street which was Dublin’s main thoroughfare.

Watching Manat’s performance from one of the back tables in the pub was Yaldabaoth the Irish leprechaun.

Yaldabaoth seemed to be content with the 99 glasses of Jameson Irish Whiskey 🥃 in front of him and therefore wasn’t doing much screaming.

The last time he had been doing a lot of screaming 😱 (and therefore could have auditioned for a heavy metal 🎸 band) was when his mother Sophia the Greco-Egyptian Gnostic goddess of wisdom had spanked him on the bare bottom for his constant mischievous behaviour.

Manat stood next to the microphone 🎙️ and was about to perform her next number.

She then broke into a rousing rendition of her newest recorded song 🎧 🎵 🎶,

“The snakes 🐍 are coming back,
Oh yeah, the snakes 🐍 are coming back,
Oh Paddy, you thought you had driven
Them away
But the snakes 🐍 are coming back,
Oh yeah,
The snakes are coming back..”

Manat sang the song with all of the passion of a Swedish Death ☠️ 💀 Heavy Metal 🎸 band (but none of the Swedish language of course).

Yaldabaoth ate his Swedish meatballs as he watched.

Unbeknownst to Yaldabaoth (because he was too busy enjoying his glasses of Jameson Irish Whiskey 🥃 and his Italian pasta 🍝 served with Swedish meatballs), the Prime Minister of Ireland 🇮🇪 (whose title in Irish ☘️ is Taoiseach) was sitting across from him.

When Manat had finished her set and had gone into the pub kitchen to turn the head chef into a vampire since she loved his Guinness laced shepherd’s pie 🥧, the Taoiseach got up from his table and went up to a room in the hotel upstairs that he had booked for the night so he wouldn’t have to stumble home.

The Taoiseach, as he reached for his room key, thought about the lyrics of Manat’s last song, “The snakes 🐍 are coming back, oh yeah, the snakes 🐍 are coming back…”

The Taoiseach closed the door behind him after he entered and said, “The snakes 🐍 have already come back.”

He then shapeshifted into a snake 🐍.

-A vampire novel chapter
Written by Christopher
Sunday March 17th

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The Fiery End of The Flying Dutchman

February 25, 2024 at 6:59 pm (Avatar Speaks, Folklore, Geopolitics and International Relations, Ghost Story, History, Horror, International Intrigue, Literature, Mystery/horror, Mythology, News, The Occult, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , )

The fiery end of The Flying Dutchman

Michelangelo the Psychic Lobster 🦞 was in his lobster tank at Set Enterprises laboratories.

When he suddenly had a vision.

It was the end of the ship The Flying Dutchman at the end of time.

The lobster did not know where the legendary ghost ship had met its fiery end.

Michelangelo wasn’t sure of the coastline.

That was because even though he was a lobster 🦞, he had never been to the coast.

In his vision Michelangelo saw Captain Hendrick Van Der Decken standing at the helm of the legendary ghost ship.

On the shore Acheronus the Centaur from the river Acheron in the realm of Hades stood shooting fiery arrows from his bow at the ship.

The fire 🔥 from the arrows came direct from the river Phlegethon (the river of fire 🔥 in the realm of Hades).

Soon all of Acheronus’ fiery arrows landed on the ship.

“That really makes my blood 🩸 boil,” each individual soul of the damned aboard the Dutchman shouted as the fiery arrows landed on board.

As the fiery water from the river Phlegethon flowed upwards from under the earth towards the sea 🔥 🌊, the centaur Nessus directed the ancient Roman writer Virgil and the medieval Italian Florentine writer Virgil towards safety.

As Captain Hendrick Van Der Decken’s clothes caught on fire 🔥, he said he would go down with his ship.

And he did.

The ghost ship of The Titanic arrived with large buckets 🪣 of ice 🧊 to put out the fire.

But it arrived too late.

-A vampire novel chapter
Written by Christopher
Sunday February 25th

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Goddess Sophia Bakes A Cake

February 24, 2024 at 9:51 pm (Folklore, Geopolitics and International Relations, International Intrigue, Mythology, News, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , )

Sophia the Greco-Egyptian Gnostic goddess of wisdom bakes a cake

Sophia the Greco-Egyptian Gnostic goddess of wisdom was in the kitchen of her beautiful Venetian apartment baking herself a cake.

Sophia licking her fingers and enjoying the work that her hands had made.

She was listening to British MP Renfield R. Renfield’s Saturday night podcast.

Said Renfield, “The Communist sodomite in the Vatican (aka Pope Francis) continues to build the ape 🦍 of the Church and the whore that is Mystery Babylon. This past February 15th at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, a group of transgender prostitutes held a funeral service for one of their fellow transgender prostitutes who had just kicked the bucket. The so-called Cecilia Gentili was praised by his/her/its friends (all dressed in drag) during the eulogy as “the great whore” and “the mother of all whores” thus making him/her/it the personification of the whole post-Vatican II Novus Ordo Catholic Church. Cecilia Gentili was praised the day before her funeral as “a living (now dead) saint” by none other than well known Baal and Baphomet worshipping airhead AOC in the U.S. Congress with the dopey looking airhead wearing a huge stupid looking black ash cross on her forehead which she no doubt received at an Ash Wednesday service (where a call to repentance is supposed to have been made) as she did so. Cecilia Gentili (born in Argentina 🇦🇷) was “an Argentinian Luciferian faggot” according to the research of writer Ann Barnhardt (of course this Argentinian Luciferian faggot is not to be confused with the Argentinian Luciferian faggot who currently sits on the throne of Peter).”

“I didn’t know AOC worshipped Baphomet,” Sophia dropped her mixing spoon on the floor.

“Baphomet is an ass,” said Sophia’s son Yaldabaoth the Irish leprechaun 🍀 ☘️ who was sitting in the living room of the huge and spacious Venetian apartment enjoying a glass of Jameson Irish whiskey.

Just like British MP Renfield R. Renfield had had several attempts on his life made by Russian President Vladimir Putin, so too the androgynous non-binary half-male half-female hybrid human-goat demon Baphomet had made several attempts on the life of Yaldabaoth the Irish leprechaun 🍀 ☘️.

Baphomet was jealous of Yaldabaoth because many Gnostic groups considered Yaldabaoth the demi-urge who created the material universe (namely because on several occasions Sophia the Greco-Egyptian Gnostic goddess of wisdom had made that claim).

At that moment in fact Baphomet had sent a giant crow (whose wing span was 666 inches across) in the direction of Sophia’s apartment to bump off Yaldabaoth.

“Hm, I seem to feel a draft,” Yaldabaoth decided to close the apartment window.

The apartment window was carefully washed sparkling ✨ clean every day by Antonio Ramboni the apartment building maintenance man.

As such the giant crow thought the apartment window was still open as it flew full speed ahead.

Wham! The giant crow hit the strong spotless window with full force and fell plunging to its death on the gondola below (sending both gondolier and passengers into the canal).

The old land line telephone rang in Sophia’s apartment and the Greco-Egyptian Gnostic goddess of wisdom left the kitchen to answer it.

As she talked on the phone, Yaldabaoth went into the kitchen to see how the cake was progressing.

“That icing looks delicious,” Yaldabaoth thought to himself as he looked at the bowl.

He grabbed a wooden spoon and ate it all.

Sophia returned to the kitchen.

“Yaldabaoth!” Sophia admonished, “You’ve eaten all the icing!”.

“I guess I have!” Yaldabaoth belched.

“There’s more than one use for this wooden spoon,” Sophia said.

She washed the wooden spoon, dried it, grabbed Yaldabaoth, marched him into the living room towards the sofa 🛋️, sat down, took Yaldabaoth across her skirted lap and spanked him with the wooden spoon.

On the radio the voice of the announcer could be heard saying, “Do you have trouble lying down and sleeping at night…?”.

-A vampire novel chapter
Written by Christopher
Saturday February 24th

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Lakota Sioux Princess Tanaka At Lake Louise Alberta

February 18, 2024 at 10:31 pm (Folklore, Geopolitics and International Relations, History, International Intrigue, Literature, Mythology, News, Romance, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , , , , )

The Lakota Sioux Princess Tanaka horseback riding in the mountains near Lake Louise Alberta Canada

The Lakota Sioux Princess Tanaka was horseback riding in the mountains near Lake Louise Alberta Canada.

As she rode her horse, she recognized the ghost of a ghost white salamander who was skiiing on spectral skis 🎿 down a wintery slope.

She recognized the ghost white salamander as Belvedere.

She had known Belvedere when he was a mortal human.

Belvedere had once stayed and lived at the Lakota Sioux camp of Sitting Bull back in the late 1870s (he Belvedere being an outlaw was hiding out from the authorities).

He was the only white man to survive the Battle of Little Bighorn (namely because he fought on the side of Sitting Bull).

Although Belvedere didn’t do much fighting.

Instead he read aloud the metaphysical poetry of John Donne which wasn’t too appreciated by Custer’s fighting men.

When Belvedere got to the part where Donne wrote, “Therefore, send not to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee”, Custer was hit by an arrow.

Thus Custer was done in at the words of Donne.

Belvedere as a mortal witnessed the Lakota Sioux Princess Tanaka riding bareback a ghost white buffalo back in the year 1878.

According to a vision seen by the Lakota Sioux Princess Tanaka’s medicine man great-grandfather, whoever rode a ghost white buffalo bareback would live immortally young until the 2nd Coming of the Son of the Great Spirit.

And the vision seemed to be true in the case of Tanaka.

The beautiful and forever young looking Lakota Sioux Princess Tanaka riding a horse in the Canadian Rockies not far from the banks of Lake Louise

Belvedere in the meantime was approaching a tree as he was skiing down the slope on his spectral ghostly skis.

“Seeing as how I’m a ghost, I won’t have to worry about hitting a tree,” Belvedere grinned.

Normally that would have been true but on this one occasion, Belvedere was mistaken.

Splat! the ghost white salamander hit the tree 🌲 and was immediately knocked unconscious.

This evergreen 🌲 had once been planted from seeds thrown by the Arthurian era enchantress Vivian Nimue the mysterious Lady of the Lake (the same enchantress who had imprisoned Merlin the magician in an oak tree).

The seeds had been caught in a mysterious storm ⛈️ that blew across the world all the way from Britain to what became the Canadian province of Alberta.

And as such this supernaturally planted tree was able to knock out the ghost of a ghost white salamander (such as Belvedere) when he came speeding towards it at a speed of 100 kilometres an hour on his skis.

Tanaka, unaware of Belvedere’s predicament, had rode her horse back to the Chateau Lake Louise Hotel.

She entered the lobby where the voice of the great British singer Vera Lynn could be heard singing on an old gramophone, “In the blue Canadian Rockies… round the banks of Lake Louise…”

Tanaka returned to her room.

And went over to the writing desk.

Most people no longer used writing desks to write on paper anymore as most wrote on-line on mobile devices.

She opened the desk drawer to get some writing paper of which there was plenty since no one wrote on paper anymore.

She came across a piece of paper that appeared to have handwriting on it.

She had the feeling that hotel staff in this age of the Internet no longer bothered to check drawers of old writing desks.

When she checked into the hotel, she had been told the room she was occupying had once been occupied years before by Britain’s controversial Member of Parliament Renfield R. Renfield long before he became an MP.

She had met Renfield on a few occasions.

She reached for the piece of paper 📝 on which were the words A Three Line Poem by Renfield R. Renfield.


She didn’t know that Renfield R. Renfield ever wrote poetry.

She read the three line poem:

I was born when I met you.
I died when you left me.
I lived those few weeks you loved me.

Wow, the Lakota Sioux Princess Tanaka thought to herself.

Who was Renfield writing about?

-A vampire novel chapter
Written by Christopher
Sunday February 18th

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The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse- Ghost Riders In The Sky

February 13, 2024 at 10:54 pm (Entertainment, Folklore, Geopolitics and International Relations, History, International Intrigue, Literature, Mythology, News, Sorcery, The Occult, The Supernatural, theatre, Theatre Arts, Vampire novel, western, Western Tales) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (who appeared as ghost riders in the sky) ride into the Wild West town of Hayden Colorado.

Hayden Colorado is not a place you can get to by modern road or highway.

You can’t even fly there as there is no airport nearby.

Back in the year 1901 Hayden Town Council proud of the way their Wild West town looked voted to keep their town looking the same way as it looked in 1901 forever.

Of course the way the Wild West town of Hayden Colorado looked in 1901 was the same way it had looked way back in 1881 and even the year before that 1880.

Thus it meant that Hayden Colorado forever turned its back on what the coming 20th Century would call progress.

In many ways that was a good thing.

Of course there were a few drawbacks.

The World Economic Forum in the early 2020s of the 21st Century had even sent a team to Hayden Colorado to observe whether this was what the future of planet Earth should look like on a global scale when the UN Sustainability Agenda 2030 kicked in by 2030.

However the World Economic Forum decided that the Wild West town of Hayden Colorado was too modern for their liking.

What they really wanted for the world on a global scale when the UN Sustainability Agenda 2030 kicked in by 2030 was a return to the Dark Ages.

A world of widespread plague and famine where the vast majority of people would kick the bucket on a massive scale every few years while the privileged classes continued to live in extreme wealth and luxury.

So Hayden Colorado only had dirt trails leading to it that could only be accessed by horses or mules and not motor vehicles.

There were no motor vehicles or parking lots in Hayden Colorado.

Only livery stables and hitching posts for horses.

Which is what the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (who appeared as ghost riders in the sky outside town) observed about the town as they rode in on their horses.

Belvedere who was the ghost of a ghost white salamander and a reporter for The Times of London had on this day returned to the Wild West town of Hayden Colorado for the first time since the decade of the 1880s.

Belvedere had been a mortal human who was a deserter from the Confederate Army (he had joined the Confederate Army because he an aspiring thespian 🎭 had mistaken the Confederate Army recruiting office for a casting house for a theatrical production of William Shakespeare’s play Coriolanus).

In the 1870s Belvedere had been a witness as Sitting Bull kicked George Armstrong Custer’s ass at the Battle of Little Bighorn.

In the 1880s Belvedere got a job as a bartender at The Wild Tomatoes and Mushroom Saloon in the Wild West town of Hayden Colorado.

The Wild Tomatoes and Mushroom Saloon had been opened and owned in that decade of the 1880s by Sherlock Holmes’ lesser known twin sister Sherrielock Holmes (who was a dominatrix by profession).

Belvedere as a bartender had made the mistake of ticking off one of Sherrielock Holmes’ saloon dance hall girls.

This dance hall girl (who it turned out was a practicing witch) had turned Belvedere into a Ghost White Salamander.

The reason she chose this type of lizard 🦎 looking amphibian for Belvedere was because she had read the transcripts of all the trials of one Joseph Smith Jr. (who went on to found the Mormon Church).

In the first account of Smith claiming that he had found golden tablets (which became the Book of Mormon), Smith said he had been led to the site by a ghost white salamander.

Later he claimed it was God the Father and Jesus Christ who had led him to the site.

Then he said it was Jesus Christ only.

Finally he settled on saying that it was an angel called Moroni who led him to the site.

After Belvedere had found himself turned into a ghost white salamander, he staggered out of the saloon and found himself in the dusty main street of the town.

Where he was promptly run over by a settler’s wagon train caravan covered wagon heading west.

Thus Belvedere now found himself the ghost of a ghost white salamander.

He had many adventures as a ghost over the next 130 years.

In the mid-2010s, he became a reporter and literal ghost writer for The Times of London newspaper in London England.

Last Saturday on the day of Chinese New Year the Year of the Dragon 2024, Belvedere had received a tip by telephone that something big would happen in the Wild West town of Hayden Colorado on this date February 13th 2024.

And here it was.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (first appearing as ghost riders in the sky) had arrived in the Wild West town of Hayden Colorado.

-A vampire novel chapter
Written by Christopher
Tuesday February 13th

Permalink 18 Comments

Vampiress Lilith Meets Justin Welby

February 12, 2024 at 9:06 pm (Folklore, Geopolitics and International Relations, Gothic, History, International Intrigue, Mythology, News, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , , , , , , , )

The ancient Babylonian vampiress Lilith standing outside St. Anselm’s Church Outside Morecambe where she has just met Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby

It was a bright sunny day and the ancient Babylonian vampiress Lilith was grateful for Set Enterprises’ chief scientist Dr. Cadbury Rocher having invented 100% Sunblock For Vampiresses which prevented her from being burnt to a crisp on this bright sunny day.

Otherwise she might have been reduced to a pile of skull and bones ☠️ on this day and her remains might have ended up in a mausoleum chapel at Yale University where such notable idiots as George W. Bush and John Kerry receive secret society initiation.

St. Anselm’s Church Outside Morecambe was an old medieval church where she and Justin Welby met several times a year to discuss Justin Welby’s strategy (or lack thereof) for the Church of England.

At a meeting at the church back in early December, Lilith and Archbishop Welby put the final touches on introducing the policy of blessing same sex unions in the Church of England.

Now she and Justin Welby had met today to discuss implementing her next policy for the Church of England.

These policies she was introducing for the Church of England had actually been thought up and were a pet project of a friend of hers the half-male half-female goat/human hybrid demon Baphomet.

But Baphomet did not want to take a chance on Britain’s tabloid press photographing him with the Archbishop of Canterbury.

This might cause a row.

One day Baphomet would publicly meet with the Archbishop of Canterbury (and the Pope as well).

But that day was not yet.

Perhaps 6 months from now.

The way this decade was going.

The reason why Lilith met with Archbishop Welby at Saint Anselm’s Church Outside Morecambe was because it was a closed church with no congregation or existing parish.

Saint Anselm’s Church Outside Morecambe had been one of the first C. of E. Anglican Churches in England back in the 1960s to ditch the old Book of Common Prayer and adopt a liturgy of folk music and rock music style Masses and Holy Communion services to make the church more relevant and up to date.

The result was that by 1970 the Church had zero parishioners and was forced to close.

The Church was kept by the Church of England as a place where Archbishops of Canterbury could meet with important individuals in private and away from the public eye.

After Justin Welby officially became Archbishop of Canterbury in February 2013, he hired Rick Warren the pastor of megachurch Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California to be the interior decorator for the old medieval church.

As such Rick Warren removed all crosses and crucifixes from inside the church (just like he had encouraged numerous churches inside the U.S. to do back in the early 2010s) which would of course allow numerous demons, vampires and vampiresses to enter the church without experiencing any internal discomfort.

As Pope Francis would probably phrase it, “We’re meeting people (and other entities) where they’re at. On a journey of dialogue and accompaniment.”

Like the message in the latest nauseating Super Bowl ad involving a limp wristed Jesus who wouldn’t offend anyone (and thus wouldn’t have been worth crucifying).

The vampiress Lilith outside St. Anselm’s Church Outside Morecambe where she had been meeting with Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby on a journey of dialogue and accompaniment.

-A vampire novel chapter
Written by Christopher
Monday February 12th

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