Pan Goatee: A Hero For The 21st Century

April 26, 2024 at 9:45 pm (Aesthetics) ()

My first AI Generated images of Pan Goatee and Krampus

Pan Goatee: A hero for the 21st Century
Fighting to make the world a more beautiful place.
Krampus follows behind to pick up the pieces of those slain.

It was the 21st Century. It was the worst of times… it was the b… … well… it was the worst of times.

Most of the governments of the world were either Communist (although the mainstream media was too stupid to realize it) or Fascist (again the mainstream media was too stupid to realize it).

The United States of America was led by a senile old fool and Canada was led by an unmanly menstruating minstrel show blackface drag queen (who was a staunch admirer of Josef Stalin and Mao Tse-tung and a non-binary possible offspring of Fidel Castro).

The head of the Roman Catholic Church in Rome was bending over backwards (or forwards if he was in a meeting with the head of his Dicastery For The Doctrine of the Faith) to welcome the Antichrist with open arms.

A great proportion of the female population in North America were quite repulsively ugly.

A great proportion of the male population in North America were morons and imbeciles (since they dated, married and even had children with the above mentioned uglos).

To show how bad things had gotten in this time, one of the most popular television sitcoms had a guy who was supposedly a genius (although his only contributions to the English language aside from his verbose pseudointellectualisms was the phrase “You’re welcome” – a phrase often repeated by the uglo dating morons of this time) casting aside an extremely good looking blonde and marrying a fat ugly blimp- thus showing the true level of his IQ for all with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Heinz, which used to be one of the more popular ketchup brands, decided to commit financial suicide by showing TV commercials with a repulsive 🤢 🤮 looking female uglo who called herself Miss Heinz.

Into this Hellhole of a dystopian aesthetically deprived and depraved world was born a hero – Pan Goatee.

Well actually he was genetically created in a lab by Set Enterprises.

However the lorry carrying him to his destination had an accident and Pan escaped.

He somehow wound up in Calgary Alberta Canada which was a testing ground for the evil Norse trickster god Loki to create a whole bunch of repulsive female uglos and for Dr. Anthony Fauci to create male morons (using DNA that he had extracted from Bill Gates).

Today Goatee had entered his favourite donut shop only to see that the person standing in line in front of him was a repulsive looking female uglo.

So he beheaded her and cut her up into 999 trillion x infinity and beyond pieces.

As he was about to exit, he barfed 🤮 all over the place when he noticed a fat ugly blimp and her doting and admiring low IQ moronic looking boyfriend kiss the earthquake shaking ground that she was walking on.

So he threw his astral laser machete at them beheading both fat uglo blimp and doting admiring moron and cutting them up into 999 trillion x infinity and beyond pieces each.

The satyr left the donut shop without buying anything having definitely lost his appetite (to say nothing of his breakfast).

Goatee walked across the parking lot to the supermarket grocery store.

He was about to enter the grocery store when suddenly he noticed waddling down the sidewalk and coming straight towards him was a pair of the most repulsively ugly looking fat ugly blimps that he had ever seen.

So the genetically created satyr beheaded them both and cut them up into 999 trillion x infinity and beyond pieces each with his astral laser machete.

“With you two now gone, there will be enough food left over to feed all the children of Calgary for the next 10 years,” Pan commented.

Krampus arrived on the scene to carry the remains of the two fat ugly blimps down to Tartarus.

Afterwards Krampus had to receive treatment from Asclepius for the massive hernia he had developed in undertaking that mission.

-AI Image generated
and Pan Goatee story
Written on
Friday April 26th


  1. Nguyễn Thị Phương Trâm said,

    an intergalactic slaughter eh? Good job on the AI thing, I wouldn’t know where to start LOL

  2. Hyperion said,

    I was left with the distinct impression that J. Truedope may be a bad representation of the good people of Canada. Pan Goatee, now a rather handsome and esthetically pleasing Viking like persona, doing his part to make Canada great again is hope personified.

    There is the possibility that the esthetically pleasing people of the world and intelligentsia will flock to Canada to live a beautiful life. Of course, voters must do something about this Truedope dude to achieve perfection.

    By the way, I did the math on Pan’s 999 Trillion X Infinity dissection allowing for biomasses two times greater than the statistical average of plump North Americans and it appears that Pan has the ability to separate a biomass into its individual cells. That is an amazing accomplishment but clearly calls for a motorized 1 cubic ton capacity wheel barrow for Krampus if he is to save his back and groin.

    • Dracul Van Helsing said,

      Thank you, Daniel.

      Yes, I was telling our mutual friend George that when I got the picture generated, I thought to myself other than for the beard and the tattoo, Pan looks like me when I was about age 30. I even had my hair parted the exact same way.

      I imagine with my Irish ☘️ ancestry (from my maternal grandfather), there’s Viking blood and DNA somewhere.

      Yes if we can get rid of Truedope, Canada will be great again.

      Amazing you did the math 🧮 on the 999 trillion x infinity ♾️ dissection 😮.

      Yes, a motorized 1 cubic ton capacity wheel barrow for Krampus, perhaps 🤔 a GoFundRaising page can be started for him.

      • Hyperion said,

        Krampus will thank us for thinking of his irritated hernia. I did cheat doing the math. I used scientific notation and limited the results to only 30 digits. But, it was easy to see there were more pieces than the average ugly has cells in the body. That is some darn good laser slicing.

  3. George F. said,

    Charles Dickens indeed…and yes, it was the b…b…worst of times,

  4. George F. said,

    The most accurate description of the state of affairs ever: “Into this Hellhole of a dystopian aesthetically deprived and depraved world…”

  5. George F. said,

    I see the young, gallant face of the earlier Dracul in this image. The Dracul you see when you look in the mirror.

    • Dracul Van Helsing said,

      Yes, the Dracul I see when I look in the mirror as well.

      He sure as Hell doesn’t show up in photographs.

  6. George F. said,

    lol! We all wish!

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