The Enchantress Morgana Walks Along The Beach At Cornwall

April 29, 2024 at 9:01 pm (Art, Art History, Folklore, Gothic, History, Literature, magic, Mythology, Romance, Sorcery, The Supernatural) (, , , )

Morgana walking along the beach at Cornwall

The enchantress Morgana (also known as Morgan Le Fay) was the daughter of Igraine and Gorlois the Duke of Cornwall.

She had two sisters named Elaine and Morgause.

Their father Gorlois the Duke of Cornwall had died many years ago after having been slain by soldiers loyal to Uther Pendragon the High King of Britain.

For Uther Pendragon had fallen in love with their mother Igraine.

The wizard Merlin (a practitioner of the old Celtic Druidic religion) had used his dark magical powers to give Uther Pendragon the appearance of Gorlois the Duke of Cornwall.

Uther in the appearance of Gorlois entered Igraine’s bedchamber at Tintagel Castle and thinking that he was her husband, she slept with him.

The future King Arthur was conceived that very night.

And that same evening Gorlois was slain by Uther Pendragon’s soldiers.

Having been told by Merlin that Igraine was with child (his – Uther Pendragon’s child), Uther married Igraine.

After Arthur was born, Merlin took the boy and gave him to one of Uther Pendragon’s loyal knights Sir Hector to be raised.

After Uther died and it looked like Britain would descend into civil war in order to decide on a new High King, a sword appeared in a stone in a country churchyard with the inscription Whoever Pulls The Sword Out of This Stone Is The Rightful High King of Britain.

Arthur (who thought he was the son of Sir Hector) pulled the sword out of the stone.

But that would be a year away and on this night on the Cornish beach near Tintagel Castle, Morgana was walking along the beach.

Having received a note from a handsome young lad to meet her tonight.

. . .

Morgana continues to stroll along the beach at Cornwall

And so it was on this dark and stormy night that Morgana strolled towards the rocks on the beach where the handsome young man said he would meet her.

. . .

Morgana heads back to Tintagel Castle along the beach at Cornwall

Having waited at the rocks (where they were to meet) for a full two hours, Morgana decided that the handsome young man wasn’t coming and decided to walk back to Tintagel Castle.

. . .

Morgana turns around when she hears Arthur calling to her along the beach at Cornwall

But as she walked back to Tintagel Castle, she heard the handsome young man call to her.

She turned around and he waved at her.

Apparently Arthur had been delayed, having to slay a fire breathing dragon, a gryphon, a cockatrice and a basilisk on his way to meet her.

Walking along this beach at night had filled Morgana with dread.

Then when she heard Arthur call her name, she had been temporarily filled with more dread.

9 months later, a son was born to Morgana whom she named Mordred.

Because of Uther Pendragon’s lecherous adultery and then what happened on this Cornish beach on this dark and stormy night, Camelot only lasted “for one brief shining moment”.

-AI Generated Images
Imagined, created and made
By Christopher
Sunday April 28th

-Arthurian story
Written by Christopher
Monday April 29th


  1. Kym Gordon Moore said,

    WOW Christopher, Morgana is quite the seductress isn’t she? A son named Mordred eh? Well, it’s okay that Camelot only lasted “for one brief shining moment”. 🤗💐🥰

    • Dracul Van Helsing said,

      Yes, Morgana is quite the seductress.

      Yes, it seems that all Camelots throughout history have only lasted one brief shining moment. 🤗 💐 🥰

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