Glittering and Dazzling Arizona Sunset, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Calls Snap UK General Election, Renfield Prepares For Electoral Battle and The Belle of The Banquet

May 22, 2024 at 10:00 pm (AI Generated Images, Art, Art History, Arts, Geopolitics and International Relations, International Intrigue, Literature, News, Politics, Vampire novel) (, , , , , , , , , , , )

Glittering In The Sunset

Dazzling Sunset

. . .

Standing at a podium in front of the assembled press at his Prime Ministerial Residence of 10 Downing Street London, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that he was calling a snap UK General Election for this coming July 4th 2024.

British Labour Party leader Sir Keir Rodney Starmer was ecstatic about an election being called seeing as how Labour was currently ahead in the polls.

Starmer, anticipating a Labour Party victory, thought to himself that it was no wonder that the new monarch King Charles III was painted all red in his official portrait unveiled earlier this month.

Dorian Red Portrait of King Charles III:
The Ghostbusters II Version

Will the ghost of Vigo the Carpathian now move to Great Britain?

Will Dorian Gray find his picture a little crowded in Rod Serling’s Night Gallery?

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby spewed chai ☕️ tea out of his mouth when he heard the news that Rishi Sunak had called a UK General Election for this coming July 4th.

“But that’s the date of our annual ecclesiastical cricket 🏏 match,” Welby protested, “between the Flaming Heretics and the Lukewarm Fencesitters. Now we’ll have to either cancel or postpone it.”

The Archbishop wept in his buttered chicken and curried goat.

. . .

“One little slice of lemon pie 🥧 won’t add much to your waistline,” British MP Renfield R. Renfield offered his good friend Amadeus Emanon the last slice of lemon pie left on the plate, “Eating 3 dozen cheeseburgers 🍔 will. But not one little slice of lemon pie.”

Amadeus took the slice and ate it.

He then went over to the antique landline phone and ordered 3 dozen cheeseburgers 🍔 for delivery.

Amadeus would have eaten the apple 🍎 long before Eve had he been in the Garden.

“I suppose,” Amadeus wondered what was taking the delivery person so long as soon as he had placed his order and put the phone down, “that you’ll be booking a room in Tewkesbury to start doing your campaigning for re-election.”

Renfield R. Renfield was the British Arthurian Party MP (as well as British Arthurian Party leader) for the constituency of Tewkesbury In The Cotswolds.

“Yes, probably the same room in Tewkesbury that I stayed in during my last 2 election campaigns there,” Renfield answered, “a room in a Bed and Breakfast place on Tewkesbury’s main street about 3 or 4 blocks away from the John Halifax Gentleman mill on the River Avon. I stay in the Blue Room there. The Blue Room is what they call the room that the poet-Paradise Lost author John Milton and his daughter stayed in when they lived in Tewkesbury. The same room that a Calgary geopolitical analyst and his father stayed in for a few days back when the geopolitical analyst visited England for the first time with his dad back when he was 8 years old.”

“I understand that your geopolitical analyst friend when he was 29 years old and visiting Britain for the second time with his dad stayed in the same room in a Bed and Breakfast place in Jedburgh Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 that the British Romantic poet William Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy used to stay in when they visited Jedburgh Scotland,” Amadeus reflected.

“Yes, he always seems to stay in the same rooms as great literary figures,” Renfield reflected.

The doorbell rang.

“About time,” Amadeus raced to the door.

He came back carrying his large bag of 3 dozen cheeseburgers 🍔.

“You know you have an unusual metabolism,” Renfield commented, “If you had the same metabolism as other people, you’d be about the same size as the dozen trayfuls of lasagna loving Pope Francis. And then you could lecture people about the sins of Climate Change, Greed and Gluttony like Pope Francis does.”

. . .

Lord Wilburmere was a member of the British House of Lords.

He was a Conservative peer in the House of Lords.

But an old time Churchillian conservative.

Not the silly twits who had been running the British Conservative Party for the past 60 years.

As an old time Churchillian Conservative, Lord Wilburmere was good friends with British Arthurian Party leader Renfield R. Renfield.

He was thinking of publicly endorsing Renfield.

Maybe he should ask his lovely and beautiful niece Charlotte Rose Colbourne to campaign for Renfield.

In fact his lovely and beautiful niece Charlotte Rose Colbourne was present at the banquet tonight he was hosting.

In fact all eyes at the banquet were on the lovely and beautiful Charlotte Rose Colbourne.

The Belle of The Banquet

Arizona Sunset
AI Generated Images
Imagined, created and made
by Christopher
Wednesday May 22nd

Rishi Sunak, Sir Keir Rodney Starmer
and The Archbishop of Canterbury
Justin Welby
Vampire Novel Chapter
Written by Christopher
Wednesday May 22nd

Renfield R. Renfield
and Amadeus Emanon
Vampire Novel Chapter
Written by Christopher
Wednesday May 22nd

The Belle of The Banquet
AI Generated Image
Imagined, created and made
by Christopher
Monday May 13th

Charlotte Rose Colbourne
The Belle of The Banquet
and Lord Wilburmere
Vampire Novel Chapter
Written by Christopher
Wednesday May 22nd


  1. Hyperion said,

    A wonderful collection of one liners to brighten my day. Whenever reality gets me down, I can come here to escape and snort laugh my cares away. I am certain that the King knows that Red is the color of Satan and the Pope’s slippers. It explains that devilish grin.

    • Dracul Van Helsing said,

      Thank you, Daniel 😊.

      Glad you enjoy my comedic one liners.

      And your observation definitely explains that devilish grin. 😅

  2. Serene Grace said,

    I agree with Dan, so good to laugh! Bloody true portrait. My favorite lines:

    “Dorian Red Portrait of King Charles III:
    The Ghostbusters II Version

    Will the ghost of Vigo the Carpathian now move to Great Britain?”

    Ghostbusters are needed asap! Charles once boasted about being a descendant of Vlad the impaler aka Dracula, who/what else but a demon would be proud of that lineage?

    • Dracul Van Helsing said,

      Thank you, Judy. 🙏

      Yes, who else but a demon would be proud of that lineage?

      • Serene Grace said,

        You’re welcome, Christopher. Several people have noted that when the portrait is upside down and reversed (mirrored), an image of a horned demon is apparent; but even just as it is, the portrait looks ominous, Charles’ hands look like claws 👹👀!

      • Dracul Van Helsing said,

        It is a very evil and sinister portrait.

        And Charles’ hands do look like claws.

        That is interesting that a horned demon appears when the portrait is upside down and reversed.

        I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

        Speaking of portraits, I found out that there is censorship that goes on at AI Art Generating sites.

        Nightcafe Studio Designer that I occasionally use has AI art generated contests with various themes.

        One contest had the theme of flying so I did an AI generated picture of Jasmine from the musical Aladdin riding a magic carpet over Baghdad in the moonlight.

        It didn’t win but I got a notification saying it came in the top 5% of entries.

        Yesterday they announced a new contest.

        One with an Alchemy theme showing a medieval alchemist working in his alchemical laboratory.

        So I entered with an AI generated realistic looking photo like image of a sinister and evil looking Bill Gates as a medieval alchemist.

        Hours later I got a notification from Nightcafe Studio Designer saying it had been disqualified by one of the moderators for being “conspiracy bait”.

        So I generated another picture in response to that.

        I wonder what their response will be.

        Anyways I’ll probably post that picture of Bill Gates in either tonight’s or tomorrow’s blog post.

      • Serene Grace said,

        Conspiracy bait? The overloards must not be ridiculed and truth must not be told, eh? Art used to be a haven for showing truth symbolically/metaphorically, but no longer is allowed in the NWO. I hope you post it on WP, I wonder if they’ll censor it too.

      • Dracul Van Helsing said,

        Yes, I’m going to most likely post it on WP tonight.

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