Pan Goatee Beheads A Repulsively Ugly Latina Uglo Disgrace To The Latino Race

June 13, 2024 at 6:55 pm (Aesthetics, Geopolitics and International Relations, International Intrigue, News, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , )

Pan Goatee beheads a repulsively ugly Latina uglo disgrace to the Latino race

Pan Goatee was in the neighbourhood donut shop.

There didn’t seem to be any uglos in there today.

However there was a long lineup.

By the time he finally got to the counter, he was unaware that a large group of Latina women had entered the donut shop and prior to entering the lineup had put a whole bunch of previously empty tables together to form one large table for their group. Four of the group of 9 Latina women were uglos including one super repulsively ugly looking uglo Latina woman.

Thus making it impossible to find a place to sit by the time Pan received his Iced Cappuccino.

One uglo Latina woman had established a beachhead at the empty large table while the other Latina women went to buy their drinks.

Had this ugly looking Latina woman established a beachhead on the beaches of Normandy in June 1944, she would have probably sent the Germans running a lot faster than Gen. Eisenhower’s entire Allied forces.

Pan finally managed to find an empty table and sat down.

Pan reflected on how as little as 7 years ago, most of the Latina women in Calgary were all quite stunningly beautiful.

Now as a result of having absorbed the facially aesthetically challenged values of their uglo Canadian women counterparts, about 40% of them were now uglos (10% quite repulsively ugly uglos) and the other 50% dressed like slobs (which most Canadian women were prone to do but then so were most Canadian men prone to dressing like slobs) and only 10% were still stunningly well dressed like at one time most Latina women were.

The group of Latina women returned from the cashiers.

All were dressed like slobs (all having imbibed the lousy fashion sense inherent in most Canadian women), 4 were beautiful, 2 were ugly and the last one to pass by was quite fucking super repulsively ugly.

Minutes later the super repulsively ugly uglo Latina woman went up to the cashier to place an order as, like most super repulsively ugly women, she wasn’t bright enough to place her order when the rest of the Latina women were placing their orders.

By jumping up and down like a yo-yo 🪀, she was nauseatingly showing the rest of the world just how super repulsively ugly looking she was.

Then as Pan was about to leave, the super repulsively ugly Latina woman once again stood up, first to throw away her garbage (she couldn’t wait until the entire group of Latina women left to do so) and then to go to the bathroom 🚽.

The aesthetically inclined satyr had finally had enough of this super fucking repulsively ugly looking Latina woman jumping up and down like a yo-yo 🪀 to nauseatingly show the world just how super fucking repulsively ugly she was.

Pan pulled out his astral laser machete and beheaded the super fucking repulsively ugly looking Latina woman, “Have more consideration for others, you super fucking repulsively ugly looking uglo.”

He then cut up the super fucking repulsively ugly looking Latina woman and cut her up into 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x infinity and beyond x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x infinity and beyond x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x infinity and beyond x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x infinity and beyond x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x infinity and beyond x ad nauseum etc. etc. pieces.

Krampus arrived to carry the remains of the super fucking repulsively ugly looking Latina bitch down to the lowest circle of Tartarus where the remains of the super uglo bitch would be constantly eaten, regurgitated, re-eaten and regurgitated again by Xolotl the sinister Aztec god of monstrosities.

Pan then walked to the neighbourhood supermarket.

As he did so, he passed a super repulsively ugly looking East Indian woman (who had absorbed the facially aesthetically challenged views of most born and raised Canadian women) that was a disgrace to the Indian race.

He beheaded her and cut her up into 999 trillion x infinity and beyond pieces.

He then beheaded her moronic looking low IQ East Indian boyfriend (who had absorbed the intellectually challenged values of most born and raised Canadian males) that was a disgrace to the Indian race and likewise cut him up into 999 trillion x infinity and beyond pieces.

. . .

Lev Tomi the vampire Commander of NATO forces in Europe (who in his mortal life had been Leon Trotsky the Russian Soviet Commissar For War under Vladimir Lenin) was in the Palestinian city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

He had been inspecting Israeli military maneuvers.

Tomi looked at his wrist watch that had the image of Vladimir Lenin on it.

A stealth aircraft absolutely invisible to any forms of highly advanced radar would be arriving soon.

The stealth aircraft had originally been designed and built by the Nazis in the last months of World War II.

But the underground base where the prototype was being built was destroyed in a massive bunker bombing raid by Allied aircraft in the last months of the war.

Plans for the aircraft had been smuggled out of Germany to the U.S. through Operation Paperclip.

But the plan was lost when a dying German engineer (dying from cancer) hid them in a King James Bible in the U.S. Library of Congress in a room that was only reserved for U.S. Congressmen.

The book remained unchecked out for 75 years.

It was only discovered when a librarian accidentally knocked the book over back in 2020.

The librarian’s boyfriend by chance happened to work for the Department of Defence.

The plans were turned over to U.S. aerospace defence contractors to be studied, designed and then built.

It had been completed only a few months ago and after several successful tests, the aircraft was now on its first mission.

The aircraft landed and out jumped 66 super hybrid men/animal super soldiers/warriors.

Tomi commanded the men, “I want you to go to this area of Rafah here where women and children are hiding out (the vampire NATO Commander pointed to a place on a map he had drawn on a blackboard) and massacre everyone in sight without mercy.”

The soldiers went mindlessly walking off to do as instructed.

One of Tomi’s aides asked him, “Won’t Israel 🇮🇱 be blamed for that massacre?”.

“It will,” Tomi nodded as he lit a cigar and blew smoke rings.

“Doesn’t that bother you?” His aide asked, “After all you yourself were born Jewish?”.

“Racially and ethnically I might have been born a Jew,” Tomi pulled strings of bacon 🥓 and pieces of pork chops and ham out of his beard, “But I never followed the Torah. I’m a Sabbatean-Frankist Jew.”

-Pan Goatee tale
and Geopolitical
Vampire Novel
Written Thursday June 13th

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