The 209th Anniversary of Napoleon’s Defeat At Waterloo: His Ghost Visits Rome and The Vatican After Italy Hosts The G-7 Summit

June 18, 2024 at 9:44 pm (AI Generated Images, Art, Art History, Arts, Geopolitics and International Relations, Ghost Story, History, International Intrigue, News, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , )

Napoleon At Waterloo

Today Tuesday June 18th 2024 was the 209th Anniversary of the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte’s defeat at the Battle of Waterloo.

A day that would live in infamy as far as Napoleon was concerned.

Napoleon at Waterloo: The Last Charge
as it would have been painted by the
Spanish artist Francisco Goya
if he had been there

The 50th G-7 Summit had recently been held in Italy 🇮🇹 at the Borgo Egnazia in the city of Fasano in Apulia Italy this past June 13th to June 15th 2024.

Pope Francis had attended the summit being the first occasion in history that a Pope had attended a G-7 summit.

It was for this reason- the first Papal visit to a G-7 summit – that Napoleon’s ghost was now walking the streets of Rome.

Ghosts of Napoleon and some of his soldiers walking the streets of contemporary 21st Century Rome

And now Napoleon’s ghost was walking through St. Peter’s Square on his way to the Vatican to find out what the Pope and the G-7 leaders were up to.

Napoleon’s Ghost In St. Peter’s Square

Later Napoleon’s ghost was inside the Vatican outside the personal study of the satanic apostate and heretic Francis.

He overheard a conversation between Jorge Mario Bergoglio (aka Francis) and one of his cardinals Samhain Cardinal Salaman.

“So I understand many of the G-7 leaders are considering reinstating the military draft in their respective countries including senile old fool Joe Biden reinstating it in the U.S., is that correct, your Non-Holiness?” Samhain Cardinal Salaman asked.

“That is correct,” His Non-Holiness nodded, “although the Western world’s mainstream media (proudly fulfilling their part of the Orwellian 1984 Big Brother Ministry of Truth) and the spirit of Mephistopheles filled Google search engine are vigorously denying that Biden, Macron and the current Chancellor of Germany (I forget his name since he isn’t Angela Merkel who was Chancellor for so long) are contemplating such a move.”

“And what of you, your Non-Holiness?” Samhain asked, “What do you think of such a move?”.

“Well last night I was visited in my bedroom by my good friend the ghost of Judas Iscariot who, for some reason, was accompanied by the three headed dog Cerberus,” His Non-Holiness gazed with admiration at his favourite picture – a painting of a nude Jesus homo erotically embracing the nude body of Judas Iscariot, “and Iscariot advised me that I should declare the war against Vladimir Putin’s Russia 🇷🇺 a Holy War like Pope Urban II did when he proclaimed the First Crusade in 1095 AD. And offer indulgences for those who take up arms against Putin’s Russia. Although I don’t see why I should offer indulgences since I don’t believe in Hell or Purgatory. When I told this to Iscariot, all three heads of Cerberus snickered for some reason.”

Napoleon’s ghost wondered how such a man became Pope.

-AI Generated Images
Imagined, created and made
by Christopher
Tuesday June 18th

-A vampire novel chapter
Written by Christopher
Tuesday June 18th


  1. Serene Grace said,

    The Pope is poopy, that’s how he got the job. Same goes for pooped his pants, Biden.

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