Pan Goatee Beheads More Uglos and Morons Becoming A Threat To Neo-Bolshevik Communists Everywhere

August 2, 2021 at 10:40 pm (Aesthetics, Geopolitics and International Relations, International Intrigue, News, Sorcery, The Occult, Vampire novel) (, , )

The world’s most popular and sought after serial killer Pan Goatee was at the cash register in a pharmacy/grocery store buying some bottles of Cranberry Juice that were on sale.

His evening was then ruined by an ugly looking gargoyle (one of 3 species of ugly looking white females that seem to haunt and terrorize the city of Calgary) standing in line behind him with her stupid looking white boyfriend standing behind her.

Pan Goatee then immediately beheaded both uglo and moron and cut them up into 999 trillion pieces each.

He then left the store and headed across the street where he ran into a woman with pink and blue hair and John Belushi and Dan Ackroyd Blues Brothers style sunglasses.

The woman didn’t look ugly but she looked like a moron.

And with a possible Canadian Federal election looming, morons have a tendency to vote for one of two Neo-Bolshevik Communist Parties in Canada- the Canadian Federal Liberal Party led by failed Al Jolson minstral show impersonator and all around cerebral thought failure Justin Trudeau and the Canadian Federal New Democratic Party led by airhead Jagmeet Singh (whom Set Enterprises Intelligence Unit secret agent Miranda Singh insists is absolutely no relation to her).

And in this year’s coming October municipal election in Calgary, a moron would also have a tendency to vote for Neo-Bolshevik Communist airhead Mayoralty candidate Jyoti Gondek (a friend of Neo-Bolshevik Communist asshole and demagogue Dr. Joe Vipond who was currently the biggest threat to freedom in Alberta) who was seeking to replace Calgary’s retiring fat slob Neo-Bolshevik Communist Mayor Naheed Nenshi.

Thus Goatee beheaded the moron and cut her up into 999 trillion pieces.

. . .

Dr. Anthony Fauci is the Rasputin presiding over the fall of the American Empire.
-The Ghost of Lenin

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the darling of the brainless mainstream media and the technocratic sorcerer director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was going through his mail.

“Hm,” Dr. Fauci noted after opening a letter sent to him by River Styx Travel Tours, “Someone’s bought me a ticket to the City of Calgary.”

-A vampire novel chapter
written by Christopher
Monday August 2nd

What Dr. Anthony Fauci really looks like with all of his masks off.


  1. George F. said,

    Glad to read Pan is taking care of the morons accompanying and impregnating the Uglo’s.

  2. Jessica E. Larsen said,

    Reading backward from the top has brought some satisfying results 😂

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