Miranda Singh Interviews Renfield On SNN Television

September 29, 2021 at 11:06 pm (Geopolitics and International Relations, International Intrigue, News, Romance, The Occult, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , , )

Set Enterprises Intelligence Unit Secret Agent Miranda Singh turned SNN Television interviewer.

British MP Renfield R. Renfield was filling in for SNN (Set News Network) Television Anchorman Flip The Unflappable.

Flip the Unflappable was currently in hospital as a result of a slight aviation disaster in which he tried to re-enact the early Greek flights of Daedalus and Icarus.

Flip was naturally listed as a Covid case by the UK’s NHS under international health guidelines set by the WHO.

Read Renfield on the first news item,

“New York’s nutcase megalomaniacal Gov. Kathy Hochul proclaims that “unvaccinated people aren’t listening to God” and told New Yorkers, “I need you to be my Apostles.”

Renfield then remarked, “The flaky successor to Andrew Cuomo fancies herself to be a female Christ. At one time lunatics were found in an insane asylum. Today they’re found in the Governor’s Office in New York.”

These were other news items Renfield covered:

“Dr. Anthony Fauci who likes to boldly go where all medical practicing satanists quickly follow behind says that you’ll soon need a third booster shot to be considered fully vaccinated.”

“Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has raised the question, “Why does the United States still have diplomatic relations with a tyrannical totalitarian state like Australia?”.

“The answer of course is that senile old fool Joe Biden wants to boldly go where Victoria state’s Neo-Stalinist Neo-Maoist asshole and demagogue state Premier Daniel Andrews has gone before.”

“And speaking of Australia, brainless Neo-Gestapo police in Australia’s Victoria state arrested a man for smoking a cigarette without a mask on.”

Renfield added, “The Victoria State Police of Australia is the only police force in the world where you have to have an IQ lower than a child’s shoe size and a nose, lips and tongue brown enough to constantly shove up your immediate superior’s backside in order to qualify for being a member.”

“In Australia’s Victoria state, 78% of those hospitalized with Covid are fully vaccinated and 17% are partly vaccinated.

Meanwhile Victoria state’s asshole Neo-Stalinst Neo-Maoist Premier Daniel Andrews and asshole Neo-SS Neo-Gestapo Chief Commissioner of Police Shane Patton (possessed by the ghosts of Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich and Heinrich Muller) continue their Reign of Terror against all the citizens of Australia’s Victoria state.”

Renfield then went and sat in a chair next to a very tall bookshelf which was loaded with bottles of brandy.

He was to be interviewed by SNN’s Larry King style interviewer Pepin the Unshutuppable.

However for some reason Pepin The Unshutuppable was down with acute laryngitis this evening.

So Set Enterprises Intelligence Unit Secret Agent Miranda Singh was appearing as Guest Interviewer.

Miranda Singh was currently in Greece where she was trying to track down the ghost of the playwright Aeschylus who had put in several appearances around the country.

Miranda Singh on location in Greece.

She interviewed Renfield via satellite.

“Who’s the power behind the coming New World Order?” Miranda asked.

“The Egyptian god Osiris,” Renfield answered.

“And Osiris and his son Horus are venerated in Universal Freemasonry?” Miranda followed up.

“They are,” said Renfield.

“And Osiris has a Prophet much like Apollo had his Sibyls?” Miranda inquired.

“He does,” Renfield nodded.

“Who is it?” Miranda inquired.

“Jorge Mario Bergoglio aka Pope Francis,” Renfield replied.

“And what does Asclepius the son of Apollo and the mortal princess Coronis have to do with the Coronavirus?” Miranda asked.

“That’s the 64 trillion dollar question,” Renfield answered, “Also involving the Renaissance alchemist Dr. Johann Georg Faust and a Nazi SS Ahnenerbe Occult Bureau expedition to Mexico in the early 1940s.”

“We’ll be right back after this message,” the voice of SNN announcer Malthus the Mouthwashable intoned.

-A vampire novel chapter
written by Christopher
Wednesday September 29th


  1. Hetty Eliot said,

    I was watching footage from Australia and how the f is that even possible..

    • Dracul Van Helsing said,

      That’s what I wonder.

      Overnight Australia turned into a Fascist and Nazi Reich like state.

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