Pan Goatee, Pope Francis and The 60th Anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s Assassination

November 22, 2023 at 9:01 pm (Aesthetics, Geopolitics and International Relations, History, International Intrigue, News, Sorcery, The Occult, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , )

It was 60 years ago today (on a Friday November 22nd 1963) that U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas.

Pope Francis did not say a requiem mass for the soul of John F. Kennedy today as he was busy having his usual Wednesday audience with members of Rome’s tranny prostitute community.

Francis felt the same way about tranny prostitutes as Joe Biden feels about little girls aged 12 and under.

Pan Goatee was sitting in a donut shop in Calgary and reflecting on the death of John F. Kennedy.

His thoughts were interrupted by a repulsive looking uglo who entered the restaurant.

This uglo, like most uglos who entered this donut shop, always made orders that took a while to prepare so that the said repulsive uglo was standing in the middle of the restaurant for an extra long time totally ruining the ambiance of the place by the presence of her repulsive ugliness.

Guys and beautiful women entered the restaurant, quickly made their orders, picked them up and left.

Repulsive 🤢 🤮 looking uglo females on the other hand always made orders which took a while for the staff to prepare so that they stood there in the center of the restaurant producing loads of regurgitation from customers with good taste as the said uglos unblessed the place with the long standing presence of their repulsive ugliness.

Pan Goatee had finally had it up to here with these inconsiderate female uglos who entered restaurants and made orders that took forever for the staff to prepare just so these uglos could stand there and unbless everyone with the presence of their repulsive ugliness.

The satyr reached for his astral laser machete and then beheaded the repulsive female uglo and cut her up into 999 trillion x infinity and beyond pieces.

For which he received a standing ovation from other customers.

Later when he went home he was making himself a late lunch when a repulsive looking female uglo passed his kitchen window and then kept walking back and forth in front of the window as if she was saying “I dare you to behead me.”

Seconds later the repulsive female uglo found herself being beheaded and cut up into 999 trillion x infinity and beyond pieces after the satyr had put his astral laser machete on autopilot and threw it out the window.

Meanwhile in Dallas Texas on this anniversary date, London private eye Agathor Christie was examining previously unknown film footage of the assassination.

The film clearly showed the ghost of Confederate Brigadier General and 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike (one of the historically anonymous founders of the Ku Klux Klan) standing on the Grassy Knoll and smiling as the Grassy Knoll gunmen fired the shots that killed Kennedy.

Pike had been dispensationally released from Tartarus due to a written request made to Hades (the god of the Underworld) on a document signed by Pope Paul VI on June 29th 1963 just days after his papal election.

Paul VI did not read the document upon signing it.

He was just urged to sign it by a Freemasonic Cardinal who put the document in front of him.

This same Freemasonic Cardinal would institute policies that would help pave the way for a Communist sodomite (let’s call him Jorge Mario Bergoglio) to be elected to the position of Bishop of Rome.

It was Pike’s ghost that met with officials in the American CIA and American Deep State that summer and autumn of 1963 to plot and plan the assassination of America’s Catholic President John F. Kennedy.

On the evening of Friday November 22nd 1963, Pike’s ghost celebrated his triumph.

As he was about to drink a toast 🥂 of ghostly champagne in a spectral glass, Cerberus arrived to chase Pike’s ghost back to Tartarus.

“Contact Cardinal _____________, “ Pike’s ghost cried, “I’m not looking forward to returning to my rotating barbeque spit over open flames 🔥 down in Tartarus. Have Paul VI sign a more permanent dispensation for my release.”

In today’s Vatican, Francis asked one of his papal aides what was on the dinner menu tonight.

The aide replied, “I believe it’s pike. I’m inclined to say Northern pike but the chef informs me that the fish’s head speaks with a southern accent.”

-written Wednesday November 22nd 2023.


  1. christinenovalarue said,


  2. George F. said,

    Funny. I just read an article stating that a Secret Service agent “found” a bullet on the floor of the car, and kept silent, putting the bullet in his pocket. This changes the entire scenario! I’ll try to find and forward you this article.

  3. George F. said,

    I also “used” to order drinks that take a long time to make so I can leer at the Barista’s. After much reflection, I stopped that behavior as it dawned on me that it made me look “pervy.” Also, I DO notice the UGLO’s tend to hang out long after their welcome has expired…stinking the place up with the repulsive looks.

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