Rome On The Eve of A Transhumanist Future

October 22, 2021 at 10:30 pm (Geopolitics and International Relations, International Intrigue, News, Sorcery, Technology, The Occult, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , )

The cigarette smoking demon Asmodeus sat in a Rome taverna on the eve of a Transhumanist conference at the Vatican.

Brainless “fact checkers” at the Reuters news agency were proclaiming that this conference was only being held at Vatican City, it wasn’t being organized by the Vatican.

The idiots had neglected to check the Vatican’s own news web site where they were busy boasting about organizing the conference.

Instead the Reuters “fact checkers” who couldn’t see much beyond their own navel (or quite possibly their own asshole) were quoting the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) who got their panties in a knot when Mel Gibson made the film The Passion of The Christ and have had their panties in a knot ever since.

Brainless “fact checkers” at Reuters quoting the knotted panties cutting off the blood supply to the brain ADL said that Transhumanists were not planning on merging man with machine.

Both the brainless “fact checkers” at Reuters and the ADL had obviously neglected to read Elon Musk’s latest glowing press release on the subject.

Elon Musk would be most disappointed to hear that there were still people out there who did not read his press releases.

Mephistopheles the Fallen Archangel walked through the door of the Rome taverna.

“Going to attend the Transhumanist Conference at the Vatican tomorrow?” Asmodeus asked.

“I am,” the fallen Archangel nodded.

“Say what world leader is it that you occasionally possess sometimes?” Asmodeus inquired.

“Joe Biden,” Mephistopheles answered.

Asmodeus’ little buddy Nimrod the little green frog held up a sign that read “Let’s go Brandon!” showing the Roman poet Virgil kicking Joe Biden into the flames of the Inferno as Dante watched.

. . .

M. Beast (which stood for Mark of the Beast) was an infernal creature.

He called himself M. Beast because he had delusions of grandeur.

Seeing himself as THE Mark of the Beast.

But really he was a gaslighter.

One who enjoyed gaslighting homeless vulnerable people.

He worked in an agency run by the forces of Voldemort.

And tried to convince the clients he was assigned to help that they were crazy.

Little did M. Beast know that British MP Renfield R. Renfield already had him in his sights.

And Michelangelo the Psychic Lobster already had a vision of M. Beast’s demise in the Set Enterprises’ dungeons.

A slow painful death.

And lots of agonizing screams coming from M. Beast’s mouth.

. . .

Yaldabaoth the Irish Leprechaun had been invited to speak at the Transhumanist Conference at the Vatican.

The topic he was invited to speak on was How Leprechauns Will Fit Into The Future of Transhumanism.

Yaldabaoth had no idea how leprechauns would fit into the future of Transhumanism.

But he heard that the conference would have plenty of free booze flowing so he’d go and speak anyhow.

As he walked up the steps of a Roman piazza while carrying a gargantuan bottle of Tuscan red wine, he ran into his mother Sophia the Greco-Egyptian Gnostic goddess of Wisdom.

Yaldabaoth soon found himself the recipient of a good old fashioned spanking from his mother.

-A vampire novel chapter
written by Christopher
Friday October 22nd


  1. George F. said,

    You’re back in good form…

    • Dracul Van Helsing said,

      Thanks, George. 😀

      • George F. said,

        What else is happening in your life and how are you?

      • Dracul Van Helsing said,

        The shit is once again hitting the fan.

        One reason why I was leery of moving into a homeless shelter period was because of the possibility of Covid outbreaks.

        Homeless shelters are extremely prone to them.

        But once I ran out of money for a hotel room on Wednesday, I was left with no other choice.

        But what happened yesterday?

        Lo and behold, a Covid outbreak happened in the building.

        So now I’m once again up Shit Creek without a paddle.

      • George F. said,

        Vaccinated I hope! I know it alters your DNA but whatcha gonna do?

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