Churchill’s Ghost Comments On Commie Loving “Useful Idiot” Catholic Bishop

February 6, 2018 at 8:57 pm (Commentary, Geopolitics and International Relations, Ghost Story, International Intrigue, News, Religion, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , , , , , , )

Churchill’s Ghost Comments On Commie Loving “Useful Idiot” Catholic Bishop

Renfield R. Renfield was reading today’s newspaper headlines to the ghost of Sir Winston Churchill as they sat together in his parliamentary office enjoying glasses of brandy (one material and one spiritual).

“Here’s one,” Renfield hiccoughed, “Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo the chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences has praised the Communist Chinese 🇨🇳 state as “extraordinary”. He goes on…”

“Right now, those who are best implementing the social doctrine of the Church are the Communist Chinese government,” said Bishop Sorondo whose New Testament was covered in dust and cobwebs while his copy of Quotations From Chairman Mao looked to be recently read.

Going on with his lavish praise of the Chinese Communist government, Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo said, “You do not have shantytowns, you do not have drugs, young people do not take drugs.”

Wiping foam from his mouth, the bishop went on to say, “The economy does not dominate politics as happens in the United States.”

Bishop Sanchez Sorondo added that China 🇨🇳 was implementing Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment Laudato Si better than any other country and praised it for defending the Paris Climate Accord.

“It would appear,” Churchill helped himself to a ghostly spectral watercress, cucumber and cream cheese sandwich, “that the men Pope Francis has surrounded himself with in the Vatican 🇻🇦 are either idiots or perverts if not both.”

“A most astute observation, sir,” Renfield toasted the late former Prime Minister with his glass of brandy.

-A vampire novel chapter
written by Christopher
Tuesday February 6th


  1. ortensia said,

    “Lavish praise of the Chinese communist government “ ….”idiots or pervert or both”… genius….happy Wednesday 🦇😀

  2. velvetscreams said,


  3. Aak fictionspawn said,

    Churchill and Renfield seem to get along quite well…

    • Dracul Van Helsing said,

      Yes, they do. 😀

      • Aak fictionspawn said,

        Why am I not surprised… 😀

      • Dracul Van Helsing said,

        LOL ! 😂

        I guess since Churchill was an eccentric writer/artist type who found himself in politics and Renfield is an eccentric writer/artist type who finds himself in politics, it really should be no surprise at all. 😀

      • Aak fictionspawn said,

        He didn’t get too well along with Hitler, though… Even though the description fits quite well there, too 😀 Maybe he would have if Hitler didn’t pick a fight 😉

      • Dracul Van Helsing said,

        Hitler was that type of artistic personality who is quite narcissistic which is the most dangerous type of artist of all.

        Churchill was more altruistic. For example, he was actually the first cabinet minister in Britain to introduce social benefits and pension programs for workers when he served in the British Liberal party cabinet of H. H. Asquith who was Prime Minister from 1908 to 1916.

        Richard Wagner who was Hitler’s idol was an extremely good composer but he also had some very peculiar racial and religious ideas which Hitler with his narcissistically inclined personality and artistic temperament adopted which made for a highly toxic and combustible combination.

      • Aak fictionspawn said,

        More altruistic he was indeed… But then again, more altruistic than Hitler… 😀

      • Dracul Van Helsing said,

        Yes, more altruistic than Hitler would not take much. 😀

  4. Orvillewrong said,

    Idiots or perverts, you got that right!

  5. janowrite said,

    I loved “wiping the foam from his mouth” – you are genius at such turns of phrase 🙂

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