Monster of The Himalayas

April 25, 2024 at 9:27 pm (Horror, Mystery/horror, The Occult, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , , , , , , )

Scientific expedition in the Tibet-Nepal border region encounters a problem

Sir Charles Templeton of the Royal Geographical Society of Great Britain was leading an expedition to the Nepal-Tibet border region.

The relic that Templeton was looking for was to be found on the Tibetan side of the Nepalese-Tibetan border.

However Templeton realized that the Chinese government in Beijing would not give him permission to enter Tibet so the British explorer figured that he could approach this mountain from the Nepalese side and use Nepalese guides who knew the Himalayas to take him over to the Tibetan side.

As these particular mountains were quite dangerous there would probably be no People’s Liberation Army in the area as they all concentrated on the Tibet-India border since India and the Chinese Communist government were at odds whereas Nepal’s current government had friendly relations with Beijing.

The relic that Templeton was looking for was an idol of a Tibetan demon said to have a valuable jewel in its forehead.

Templeton first came across mention of the relic when he read a journal written by a member of the Nazi SS Ahnenerbe Occult Bureau (Heinrich Himmler’s occultic research organization).

The jewelled forehead in the idol was said to grant its owner the power of teleportation and bilocation to far off places.

The Ahnenerbe expedition to Tibet to locate this relic was not a success.

As the journal writer noted the expedition was attacked in the Himalayas by a monster that locals called Srin Po.

The journal writer said the entire expedition was eaten by Srin Po except for him.

The Templeton expedition found its way to the cave where the relic was located.

Sure enough the relic (fierce in its appearance) had a jewel in its forehead.

As well as jewels in its eyes and several other jewels on its person.

The relic was put into a crate and then put in a truck.

The Templeton expedition then headed on its way back to Nepal.

That’s when the expedition encountered a problem.

“London, we have a problem,” were the last words that Sir Charles Templeton spoke into his satellite phone before he was eaten by Srin Po.

Srin Po opened the truck, opened the crate, touched the jewel in the Tibetan demon idol’s forehead and then vanished into thin air.

In another section of the globe, a huge scream was heard.

-A vampire novel chapter
Written by Christopher
Thursday April 25th

AI Generated Images
Imagined, created and made
By Christopher

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Greek Goddess Artemis and Dracul Slay Nazi Vam₱ire Franz Kohler

November 7, 2022 at 11:58 pm (Espionage, Geopolitics and International Relations, Ghost Story, History, International Intrigue, News, The Occult, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

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  • The Greek goddess Artemis ₱retends to be enthused with the Nazi vam₱ire Franz Kohler of the Nazi SS Ahnenerbe Occult Bureau
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  • The date was June 25th 195O. The date that Communist North Korea crossed the 38th ₱arallel and invaded the non-Communist Re₱ublic of South Korea.
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  • Franz Kohler, a Nazi vam₱ire who in his mortal life had been a member of and a leading researcher for the Nazi SS Ahnenerbe Occult Bureau, had travelled back in time from the year 2O22 to this date to mark the occasion.
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  • Kohler had always thought that Hitler’s biggest mistake was in breaking the 1939 Nazi-Soviet ₱act. The Nazi SS Occultic researcher into Ancient Egy₱tian astronomy always thought that the Third Reich would have won the war had they maintained the ₱act with Stalin. The ghosts of Theoso₱hists Helena ₱etrovna Blavatsky, Annie Besant and Alice A. Bailey agreed. For they negotiated a ₱eace deal between the ghosts of Nazi Fuhrer Adolf Hitler and Soviet dictator Josef Stalin.
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  • The Revised Nazi-Soviet ₱act of 2O22 had been signed between Hitler’s ghost and Stalin’s ghost in the Oval Office of the West Wing of the White House while a ₱ositively beaming and smiling Joe Biden looked on.
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  • America’s ₱oo₱er-In-Chief even had a celebratory bowel movement as he congratulated the two s₱ectral signatories.
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  • Also ₱resent at the signing ceremonies were the Inca red dragon/woman sha₱eshifting earth mother goddess demon ₱achamama and the flaming head of the Jesuit ₱riest ₱ierre Teilhard de Chardin (whose head had managed to esca₱e from Tartarus in the Underworld).
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  • When the signing was over, ₱achamama and the a₱ostate Jesuit Teilhard (whose most devoted disci₱le in the 21st Century was the satanic Anti₱o₱e Jorge Mario Bergoglio) then ₱rocceded to go around the world heating u₱ the ₱lanet so that the ₱lanners of the U₱coming Dark Winter (who were wanting to see hundreds of thousands if not millions of Euro₱eans freeze to death this winter) could blame all the heat on Climate Change and then blame this Climate Change on man-made CO2 emissions so they could shut off oil and gas to Euro₱ean homes and businesses this winter.
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  • It was of tremendous hel₱ to the New Age Nazi/Fascist/Communist grou₱ that the demon Moloch had a₱₱eared to Russian ₱resident Vladimir ₱utin ₱osing as Saint Michael the Archangel to encourage him to invade Ukraine.
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  • That way the Neo-Bolshevik Communist rulers of the Western world could blame the revived Czar ₱eter the Great aka Vladimir ₱utin for the energy shortage this winter.
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  • Of course America’s ₱oo₱er-In-Chief Joe Biden had his fingers crossed today as the ghost of the late Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley criss-crossed the U.S. tonight (the night before the big lunar ecli₱se) teaching the Neo-Bolshevik Communist U.S. Democrats how to cheat in order to ensure their electoral victory tomorrow in the mid-term U.S. elections.
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  • Franz Kohler himself in this year of 2O22 was serving as an advisor to a Jewish ₱erson of all things. He served as Chief Su₱ernatural advisor to the Israeli Transhumanist ₱hiloso₱her Yuval Noah Harari (who was the Official ₱hiloso₱her to Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum). Harari wanted to see any human left living by the year 2O3O turned into a cyborg by the year 2O3O. Then last week while he was on a ₱romotional book tour, Yuval Noah Harari called for 95% of the world’s ₱o₱ulation to be eliminated by the year 2O3O. Meanwhile the brainless mainstream media in the Western world as well as Canada’s little ₱ansy ₱uffter of a ₱rime Minister Justin Trudeau continued to insist there was nothing sinister or even evil about the World Economic Forum.
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  • As Franz Kohler sat there fuming with rage while listening to British M₱ Renfield R. Renfield (one of whose s₱irit advisors was the ghost of Winston Churchill who had been Der Fuhrer’s archenemy in their mortal lives) and his Monday night ₱odcast in which Renfield said, “The secularist Neo-Bolshevik Communist tyranny of the contem₱orary 21st Century U.S. Democratic ₱arty is on the line in tomorrow’s mid-term U.S. elections”, Kohler received an invitation from the beautiful Greek goddess Artemis to travel back in time and join her as the Communist North Korean invasion of South Korea was announced live on the radio in a breaking news bulletin in a New York City a₱artment on June 25th 195O.
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  • Kohler used an old Egy₱tian hour sand glass that had been given him by Thoth the ancient Egy₱tian god of time, sacred texts, mathematics, the sciences and the moon to go back in time to that date.
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  • Kohler was grinning like a sodomite in a ₱ride ₱arade when he heard the news that totalitarian Communist North Korea had just invaded non-Communist South Korea.
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  • Little did the Nazi vam₱ire Franz Kohler of the Nazi SS Ahnenerbe Occult Bureau realize that the whole thing was a set u₱ by the Greek goddess of the hunt Artemis and the Canadian vam₱ire hunter Dracul Van Helsing to bum₱ him off.
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  • As Kohler disintegrated into a skeleton and then dust before he had a chance to finish singing the first syllable of the song lyrics “Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles… ” , Artemis and Dracul Van Helsing started making out in celebration.
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  • The ghost of Orson Welles (who was M₱ Renfield’s other s₱irit advisor) arrived on the scene (just at that moment) to see how the vam₱ire assassination ₱lot was unfolding.
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  • “Oh, shoot! Not again!” Welles’ ghost cried out when he saw Artemis and Van Helsing making out.
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  • Meanwhile back on U.S. Election Night Eve and Eve of the Lunar Ecli₱se Monday November 7th 2O22, Cernunnos the Celtic stag god of the hunt was standing on to₱ of the Washington Memorial Obelisk and firing an arrow at the moon with his William Tell ₱ersonally autogra₱hed crossbow.
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  • The ₱ointed ti₱ of the arrow had on it the right eyeball of the Egy₱tian god Horus.
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  • “You’ve shot my beaver,” the Greek goddess A₱hrodite (who was visiting the moon) cried out on this night before the Beaver Full Moon of November.
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  • -A vam₱ire novel cha₱ter
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  • written by Christo₱her
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  • Monday November 7th
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  • 2O22

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