The 209th Anniversary of Napoleon’s Defeat At Waterloo: His Ghost Visits Rome and The Vatican After Italy Hosts The G-7 Summit

June 18, 2024 at 9:44 pm (AI Generated Images, Art, Art History, Arts, Geopolitics and International Relations, Ghost Story, History, International Intrigue, News, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , )

Napoleon At Waterloo

Today Tuesday June 18th 2024 was the 209th Anniversary of the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte’s defeat at the Battle of Waterloo.

A day that would live in infamy as far as Napoleon was concerned.

Napoleon at Waterloo: The Last Charge
as it would have been painted by the
Spanish artist Francisco Goya
if he had been there

The 50th G-7 Summit had recently been held in Italy 🇮🇹 at the Borgo Egnazia in the city of Fasano in Apulia Italy this past June 13th to June 15th 2024.

Pope Francis had attended the summit being the first occasion in history that a Pope had attended a G-7 summit.

It was for this reason- the first Papal visit to a G-7 summit – that Napoleon’s ghost was now walking the streets of Rome.

Ghosts of Napoleon and some of his soldiers walking the streets of contemporary 21st Century Rome

And now Napoleon’s ghost was walking through St. Peter’s Square on his way to the Vatican to find out what the Pope and the G-7 leaders were up to.

Napoleon’s Ghost In St. Peter’s Square

Later Napoleon’s ghost was inside the Vatican outside the personal study of the satanic apostate and heretic Francis.

He overheard a conversation between Jorge Mario Bergoglio (aka Francis) and one of his cardinals Samhain Cardinal Salaman.

“So I understand many of the G-7 leaders are considering reinstating the military draft in their respective countries including senile old fool Joe Biden reinstating it in the U.S., is that correct, your Non-Holiness?” Samhain Cardinal Salaman asked.

“That is correct,” His Non-Holiness nodded, “although the Western world’s mainstream media (proudly fulfilling their part of the Orwellian 1984 Big Brother Ministry of Truth) and the spirit of Mephistopheles filled Google search engine are vigorously denying that Biden, Macron and the current Chancellor of Germany (I forget his name since he isn’t Angela Merkel who was Chancellor for so long) are contemplating such a move.”

“And what of you, your Non-Holiness?” Samhain asked, “What do you think of such a move?”.

“Well last night I was visited in my bedroom by my good friend the ghost of Judas Iscariot who, for some reason, was accompanied by the three headed dog Cerberus,” His Non-Holiness gazed with admiration at his favourite picture – a painting of a nude Jesus homo erotically embracing the nude body of Judas Iscariot, “and Iscariot advised me that I should declare the war against Vladimir Putin’s Russia 🇷🇺 a Holy War like Pope Urban II did when he proclaimed the First Crusade in 1095 AD. And offer indulgences for those who take up arms against Putin’s Russia. Although I don’t see why I should offer indulgences since I don’t believe in Hell or Purgatory. When I told this to Iscariot, all three heads of Cerberus snickered for some reason.”

Napoleon’s ghost wondered how such a man became Pope.

-AI Generated Images
Imagined, created and made
by Christopher
Tuesday June 18th

-A vampire novel chapter
Written by Christopher
Tuesday June 18th

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Emily Uwodu, Lake of Dreams, Napoleon In Exile, Cat In The Hat, Unusual Treehouse and Goddess Against The Waves

May 15, 2024 at 7:54 pm (AI Generated Images, Art, Art History, Arts, History) (, , , )

Emily Uwodu – Pioneer settler woman in the American West

Lake of Dreams

Napoleon In Exile: “Yesterday… the world… today… the isle of Saint Helena…”

The Warrior Princess of the Steampunk Apocalypse

Dear diary, where do I start?

The real Cat In The Hat

Ice igloo treehouse on a Hawaiian beach palm tree

Every time I look into your eyes, I see that special touch of paradise

Blonde Goddess and The Waves

The Office of The 1950s

-AI Generated Images
Imagined, created and made
by Christopher
The past few days

Posted Wednesday May 15th

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Countess Emilie von Hofburg

March 12, 2024 at 9:42 pm (Biographical, Geopolitics and International Relations, History, International Intrigue, Short Story, Vampire novel) (, )

Countess Emilie von Hofburg sat in the salon of her Vienna home leaning against her piano looking out the open window on to her balcony and the street below.

“Someone to see you, Countess,” her valet announced.

“Who is it?” The Countess asked.

“He calls himself Cpl. Ajaccio,” her valet answered.

Now normally the Countess Emilie von Hofburg would not deign to see a mere corporal.

But being extremely astute and familiar with European history, geography and geopolitics, it occurred to the Countess von Hofburg that this was an alias that the man was using.

Countess Emilie thought to herself, “The man really does have balls. Showing up in a noblewoman’s home in the capital of the Holy Roman Empire. No doubt unescorted but he no doubt has loyal soldiers nearby.”

She said aloud to her valet, “Show him in.”

And so it was on this March afternoon in 1806 that a Cpl. Ajaccio was shown into the salon of the Countess Emilie von Hofburg.

She recognized the man right away as Napoleon Bonaparte the Emperor of the French.

Having seen his visage in various paintings and drawings.

He was a lot taller than she had heard.

How Napoleon came to be mistakenly thought of as a short personage in history is of course another story.

“What do you want, your Imperial Majesty?” Countess Emilie asked her visitor.

“To view your beauty that I’ve heard so much about,” Napoleon bowed.

After conversing with the Little Corporal for an hour, Countess Emilie reached the conclusion that this was indeed the purpose for his visit.

She had heard that Napoleon made conquests in bed as well as on the battlefield.

After conversing with him (he was indeed a very interesting, intelligent and informed conversationalist) she came to the conclusion that he would not try to make her one of his conquests in the bedroom.

Having conversed and engaged the Countess Emile von Hofburg in conversation would be considered conquest enough for this man.

No wonder he has such loyalty among his followers and such fear of him from his enemies, she thought to herself.

“When you took Vienna last November,” she finally said, “I was surprised you did not grab the Spear of Longinus from the Hofburg Palace. The palace that has the same name as my own. For it is said that whoever has possession of the Spear of Longinus (the spear that pierced Christ’s side) can conquer and rule the world if he so chooses.”

Napoleon looked at her quizzically, “I am capable of doing many things. But even I would not dare to use the spear that pierced the side of Christ for my own purposes. Only a madman would think to do that. I do not intend to spit in the face of God. Even Napoleon has his limits.”

Napoleon had taken Vienna in November of last year (1805).

He then went on to defeat the Austrian Army at the Battle of Austerlitz on December 2nd of last year (that date had been the 1st anniversary of his coronation as Emperor of the French).

On December 26th of last year (1805) the Holy Roman Emperor Francis II was forced to sign the humiliating Treaty of Pressburg which ended the dominant role that the Hapsburg dynasty had played in the affairs of Germany.

Francis II would later this year (of 1806) sign the decree that would abolish the Holy Roman Empire.

One of the reasons being Francis’ fear that Napoleon would claim the title of Holy Roman Emperor for himself.

After an hour and a half, Napoleon stood up and bowed to the Countess Emilie von Hofburg.

“I shall look upon this hour and a half as one of the great achievements of my life,” Napoleon stated, “that I was able to engage in conversation with Vienna’s most acknowledgedly great conversationalist the Countess Emilie von Hofburg in riveting conversation for a full hour and a half.”

-A short story
vampire novel chapter
written by Christopher
Tuesday March 12th

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Egyptian Vampiress Isis, Napoleon and The Flying Dutchman

February 20, 2024 at 9:51 pm (Espionage, Geopolitics and International Relations, Ghost Story, History, International Intrigue, Mythology, News, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

Napoleon Bonaparte (the former Emperor Napoleon I of the French) standing on a rock on the island of Saint Helena when the ship The Flying Dutchman appears.

It was February of 1821.

When Napoleon Bonaparte received a message in his house on Saint Helena as he stood on the balcony.

The message was delivered by an albatross (a seabird).

In the albatross’s mouth was a note handwritten by the Egyptian vampiress Isis.

Isis had been a leading advisor to Napoleon ever since he had met her in Egypt back in July of 1798.

Isis had helped Napoleon escape from the island of Elba back on February 26th 1815.

Napoleon left Elba on the Sylphe-class brig ship The Inconstant (one of 32 ships launched in 1811 for the French Navy) surrounded by other small vessels that carried a force of 650 French Guard soldiers, 150 Polish lancers and Corsican and Elban volunteers heading for the south of France.

When he landed in France, that became the start of Napoleon’s famous Hundred Days that ended with his defeat at Waterloo by Arthur Wellesley the Duke of Wellington on June 18th 1815.

Now Isis said she was going to help Napoleon escape again.

She told Napoleon to come down to the rock near the bay and a ship would be made available to him to help him escape.

The former Emperor had a hard time believing that any ship (even one commissioned for the occasion by the Egyptian vampiress Isis) would manage to evade the British Royal Navy ships guarding the island of Saint Helena.

The Royal Navy knew of the previous disaster that had happened at Elba and would not be fooled twice.

But curious, Napoleon decided to go down to the rock by the bay anyways.

It turned out the ship that the vampiress Isis had got for the occasion was the famous legendary ghost ship The Flying Dutchman.

Napoleon standing by the rock by the bay when the ghost ship The Flying Dutchman shows up.

“That explains it,” Napoleon thought to himself, “Using a ghost ship.”

Standing aboard the deck of The Flying Dutchman was the Egyptian vampiress Isis, Thoth the Egyptian god of time, record keeping and the calendar and Captain Hendrick Van der Decken the captain of The Flying Dutchman.

Napoleon then said thanks but no thanks to Isis.

Napoleon said that he had had enough of conquest and worldly power and glory.

Well, Hell hath no fury like a vampiress scorned.

Isis told Napoleon off in no uncertain terms.

The Flying Dutchman then turned around and left.

What Napoleon had not told Isis was that he had been researching the life of Christ during his second period of exile here on Saint Helena.

And how he had become impressed by the fact that Christ was able to rule by conquering men’s hearts rather than by conquering with armies.

And Napoleon remembered what Christ had said as recorded in Mark 8:36 “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”.

Napoleon would die a few months later on May 5th 1821.

-A vampire novel chapter
Written by Christopher
Tuesday February 20th

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Athena Meets Napoleon Bonaparte

November 10, 2023 at 8:34 pm (Film, Geopolitics and International Relations, International Intrigue, Mythology, News, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , , )

The Greek goddess Athena on Mount Olympus

The Greek goddess Athena was walking around her apartment on Mount Olympus.

She was wearing a new outfit.

The Greek god Ares suddenly walked through the door of her palace and noticed her.

“Wow,” said Ares in a drooling fashion, “That new dress really becomes you.”

He walked over to her and not noticing the banana 🍌 peel lying on the floor, he slipped on it and knocked himself out.

“I think, dear half-brother,” Athena walked over the unconscious Ares, “that you’ve developed a sexual proclivity more common to ancient Egyptian deities.”

“I’m all for it,” said Joe Biden on Athena’s television set in answer to a reporter’s question.

Athena then teleported herself to Paris.

And stood under the Arc de Triomphe.

Where seconds later a multi vehicle fender bender traffic accident occurred.

Athena was in Paris to meet with the ghost of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Napoleon had a dispensational pass from the Elysian Fields.

Although the Elysian Fields was a rather pleasant part of the Underworld.

Still Napoleon had requested a pass so he could see the premiere opening of Ridley Scott’s film Napoleon in Paris on November 22nd 2023.

Of course that would be the date of its release in most countries of the world.

Often motion picture epics (expected to do well at the next year’s Oscars) are released on the day of U.S. Thanksgiving (which is November 23rd of this year).

For some reason however Ridley Scott’s Napoleon would be released the day before Thanksgiving (on November 22nd 2023).

Athena could think of no other reason for it other than that date would be the 60th Anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination.

The global elites were undoubtedly trying to communicate some occultic message by having the movie Napoleon released on that date (of course Napoleon’s name was originally Italian Napoleone and was the Italian equivalent of a Greek name Apollyon which in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon).

It was a good thing for Napoleon Bonaparte that he had embraced Christ as his Saviour before he died.

He had once written a book on the Life of Christ in which he noted that Christ had conquered human hearts through love and not guns.

It was for that reason that Napoleon wasn’t in Tartarus.

But because of his many faults in fighting wars, Napoleon wasn’t ready for Heaven yet.

Paradise yes but not Heaven.

Christ said to the good thief, “Assuredly I say to you today you will be with me in Paradise.”

And Christ descended into Sheol- the abode of the dead – that’s translated in the Apostle’s Creed as “descended into Hell” causing many people to think that Christ went to Tartarus (in Hebrew Gehenna – the abode of the damned) but no.

Athena met the ghost of Napoleon Bonaparte in the restaurant on the Eiffel Tower.

Where they discussed what France’s 🇫🇷 role might be in a possible global expansion of the current Middle East war.

-A vampire novel chapter
Written by Christopher
Friday November 10th

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Cleopatra On Napoleon Bonaparte’s Birthday

August 15, 2023 at 10:29 pm (Art History, Geopolitics and International Relations, History, International Intrigue, love, magic, News, Romance, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , , , )

Cleopatra Queen of The Egyptians

Napoleon Bonaparte was born on the island of Corsica on August 15th 1769.

Corsica had been a possession of the Italian Genoese but was ceded to France at the Treaty of Versailles in 1768.

Napoleon was descended from a family of minor Italian nobility.

His Italian name was Napoleone Buonaparte.

But he was known to history as the French sounding Napoleon Bonaparte.

Napoleone was the Italian equivalent of a Greek name Apollyon (whose name in the Hebrew tongue was Abaddon).

Thus Czar Alexander I of Russia wasn’t so crazy for thinking that Napoleon might indeed be the Antichrist (see the Apocalypse of Saint John Book of Revelation 9:11 for details).

It was August 15th 1798 and it was Napoleon’s 29th birthday.

Napoleon was in Egypt having landed in the country on July 1st 1798.

As he was wandering within sight of the pyramids, the Sphinx came to life and started chasing him.

Napoleon ran to an oasis where he was suddenly confronted by this vision:

Cleopatra Queen of the Egyptians

“Oh, Napoleon Bonaparte,” she said, “Make love to me. The number of hours you make love to me shall equal the number of years you shall be Emperor of the French.”

Napoleon made love to her for 11 hours.

Although about the 10th hour he ran into a slight problem but got back in the saddle again.

Which would foreshadow his 1st reign as French Emperor from May 18th 1804 to April 6th 1814 and his 2nd reign as Emperor of the French from March 20th 1815 to June 22nd 1815 (after having met his Waterloo on June 18th 1815).

Who would the legendary queen Cleopatra make love to in the future?

-A vampire novel chapter
written by Christopher
Tuesday August 15th

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Pan Goatee Celebrates Emmanuel Macron’s Victory By Beheading A Few More Uglos

April 24, 2022 at 9:54 pm (Aesthetics, Geopolitics and International Relations, International Intrigue, News, Vampire novel) (, , , , , )

When Pan Goatee slays an uglo, you know that

In France Emmanuel Marcon had been re-elected President for a second term.

At the White House when senile old fool Joe Biden was informed of Macron’s win, he commented, “I thought it was that Gen. Charles Gaul guy or whatever his name was (I wonder if he’s related to Asterix the Gaul) who was President. You know the guy who wrote those Letters of Transit that Peter Lorre was killed for in the movie Casablanca.”

When British MP Renfield R. Renfield was informed of Macron’s win, he sighed, “Alas, the French people are no longer a great nation.”

In Calgary, genetically created satyr serial killer Pan Goatee had not heard the unhappy news of Macron’s win.

Instead he was sitting in a McDonald’s restaurant enjoying a Big Mac (currently on special for $4.99) and a Diet Coke and reading the complimentary newspaper.

Suddenly his happy time was ruined when a fat ugly blimp sat across from him and began staring at him.

“What are you staring at me for? Do you think I have incredibly bad taste in women like most Calgary white males and would ask you out on a date? You’re grossly mistaken as well as just gross,” Goatee beheaded the fat ugly blimp and cut her up into 999 trillion x 999 trillion x 999 trillion x infinity and beyond x ad infinitum x LOL etc. etc. pieces.

Goatee was so angry he up and left the McDonald’s and headed to the shopping mall across the parking lot.

When he entered the mall, there were two uglos sitting on a bench at the entrance.

“Who let all the two legged dogs out today?” Goatee beheaded the two uglos and cut them up into 999 trillion pieces each.

Apparently the Norse trickster god Loki (who like most Calgary white males had incredibly bad taste in the females he knocked up himself) was in the city and had let the two legged dogs out.

Krampus once again was picking up the pieces of remains of Goatee’s aestheticaly inspired killing spree and taking them down to Tartarus.

Later when Goatee was walking home, he came across an uglo and her low IQ motonic boyfriend sitting on a park bench so he beheaded and dismembered them both.

Loki, who was busy banging both a Hillary Clinton and a Nancy Pelosi lookalike in a warehouse across the street, commented, “You’ve got to admire Pan Goatee’s panache. He keeps on going even though uglos keep popping up the heads on a Hydra when it battled Hercules.”

Goatee was almost home when he encountered a fat ugly blimp and her low IQ moronic husband standing in front of a very awful looking motor vehicle.

“I can’t have neighbours like you in the neighbourhood,” so he beheaded them both.

Meanwhile in Paris France, the ghost of the Emperor Napoleon was crying in his cognac, “The French have re-elected an imbecile for a second term.”

He then started shouting out loud, “A horse. A horse. My empire for a horse.”

His white horse Le Vizir arrived and Napoleon rode off getting as far away from France as possible.

-Sunday April 24th 2022.

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Empires Are Built On Bodies

March 4, 2022 at 10:05 pm (Commentary, Geopolitics and International Relations, International Intrigue, News, Vampire novel) (, , , , )

Anita Ekberg in 1956 film War and Peace

Writer Leo Tolstoy preferred peace to war
But his thinking is not to be found in the Kremlin these days
Nor in the halls of NATO
For CIA Director William J. Burns had put it into the ears of the Communist Chinese back in December 2021
That NATO was going to grant Ukraine NATO membership
The Communist Chinese naturally told Putin
And Putin made the decision to invade

For the American Deep State wants war
The military-industrial complex that Eisenhower
Warned about in his last days as President
Has become a satanic leviathan wanting to devour all

But the Washington Post, CNN and The New York Times won’t mention that
For they hate Putin
Putin is a Czarist-Monarchist (who sees himself as the new Czar)
And they the Washington Post, the New York Times and CNN
are all Neo-Bolshevik Communists
And they hate Czarism and monarchy

And today’s Department of Homeland Security
Likewise Neo-Bolshevik Communist
Along with the FBI and CIA
These government agencies
Want to crush individual freedom and liberty
Covid was the excuse to start doing it
And the vaccine was the opening shot
In the Mark of The Beast system
Proclaimed good by satanic AntiPope and False Prophet
Jorge Mario Bergoglio

The Great Reset would mark the end of individual nations
Borders would be open as Trotskyite billionaire George Soros
Would have have it
The population would be reduced as racist eugenicist Bill Gates
Would have it
Big Pharma would stand to make a lot of money
As Dr. Anthony Fauci (who made major investments in Big Pharma)
Would have it

In Canada, Neo-Stalinist would be despot Justin Trudeau
Would love to turn that country into a Communist state
Like his daddy Fidel did to Cuba
Aided by his Wicked Witch of the East
Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland
Whose mother was a Communist
And whose maternal grandfather
Was a Ukrainian Nazi

All around people wish to build Empires
Klaus Schwab wants a world government
Where everyone (except himself and a few other
Self-proclaimed Plato’s Republic elitists)
Would own nothing
And supposedly be happy

Putin wishes to rebuild the Russian Empire of his hero
Peter the Great
In 1812 Napoleon invaded Russia
210 years later
In 2022 Putin invades Ukraine

Empires are built on dead bodies
Whether a vaccine is used
Or guns and tanks
The end result is death

Matthew 24:28 says “Where the body is, there the eagles will be gathered together”
In Luke 17:37, it says “Where the body is, there also will the vultures gather”
In Greek, Matthew 24:28 refers to a live body
As eagles feed on live flesh
Whereas Luke 17:37 refers to a dead body as vultures feed on carcases

Matthew 24:28 refers to the Mass in the Catholic and Orthodox Churches
Where the living spiritual body of Christ is given

Luke 17:37 refers to this world
Which is transient and will someday pass away

Megalomaniacs like Napoleon, Soros, Schwab and Putin
Fancy themselves eagles
But really they are vultures

-A poem and vampire novel chapter
Written by Christopher
Friday March 4th 2023.

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Napoleon Returns To Earth On His Coronation’s 217th Anniversary

December 2, 2021 at 10:12 pm (Entertainment, Geopolitics and International Relations, Ghost Story, History, International Intrigue, News, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , , , , , , )

Napoleon Bonaparte the Emperor Napoleon I had returned to Earth up from the Underworld on this December 2nd 2021 which was the 217th Anniversary of his Coronation.

Napoleon and his wife Josephine had been crowned Emperor and Empress of France at Paris’ Notre Dame Cathedral back on December 2nd 1804.

Napoleon vomited ectoplasm all over the place when he walked by a television screen that showed the architects’ plans for a Disney like theme park in the rebuilt Notre Dame Cathedral.

“This Emmanuel Macron should be removed from power for allowing such an abomination of desolation and incredibly bad taste to take place,” Napoleon’s ghost thought to himself.

This was a different opinion than Pope Francis had expressed to one of his aides when he remarked that “I always thought Mickey Mouse’s portrayal of the sorcerer (or was it his apprentice?) in the 1940 film Fantasia was the perfect animated film portrayal of my own personal God of Surprises. Therefore a Disney themed park Notre Dame in Paris is a perfect architectural display of my brilliantly written motu proprio issued Apostolic Letter Traditionis custodes.”

A Swiss cuckoo who escaped from a Swiss cuckoo clock crapped all over Jose Mario Bergoglio after he made the pronouncement.

As for Napoleon, he continued walking around London which was to be the beginning of his earthly mission.

He wasn’t quite sure what this mission was.

Nor was he sure of what caused his dispensational release from Purgatory.

He was just relieved that the three-headed dog Cerberus hadn’t bitten him when he left the Underworld.

. . .

The Set News Network was showing an old movie clip of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler giving a fiery speech at a Nuremberg rally.

For audio, the voice was not that of Hitler screaming but of Twitter’s new CEO Parag Agrawal screaming,

“The company’s rule going forward is not to be bound by the First Amendment. It is to focus less on thinking about free speech, but thinking about how the times have changed. Most people can speak. Well our rule is particularly to be emphasized who can be heard.”

A group of Twitter tweeting birds entered the Nuremberg stadium shouting in unison with their right legs extended, “Sieg heils. Sieg heils.”

. . .

Napoleon’s ghost walked by a pub which had a radio on.

This was the top of the hour news:

“A court has ordered the FDA to release its documents on the Pfizer vaccine. The first batch of documents shows that there were over 1,200 vaccine deaths within the first 90 days…”

“British MP Renfield R. Renfield has taken over that radio station,” UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson pulled his messy uncombed unkempt hair as he walked by, “That radio station is now reporting the facts. We can’t have that. This isn’t an episode of the old radio program Dragnet with Jack Webb with its emphasis on “Just the facts, ma’am. Just the facts.” This is supposed to be news. Not facts. Not truth.”

Johnson was kicked in the butt by a small teddy bear who was dressed in the army uniform of an early 19th Century French general.

“Where did that bear come from?” Napoleon’s ghost wondered.

-A vampire novel chapter
written by Christopher
Thursday December 2nd

This French countess isn’t planning to attend anyone’s coronation in this new Abomination of Desolation revamped Disney themed Notre Dame Cathedral.

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In An English Country Garden

May 7, 2021 at 10:13 pm (books, Geopolitics and International Relations, History, International Intrigue, News, The Supernatural, Vampire novel) (, , , , , , , , , )

Charlotte in an English country garden

“Miss Charlotte?” Dracul Van Helsing asked.

“I’m Charlotte Williams,” the woman smiled.

“The Emperor Napoleon is not with you?” Van Helsing inquired.

“He’s down at a village pub talking to a fellow named Renfield,” Charlotte answered.

“Trust Renfield to be up to speed on cosmic happenings,” Van Helsing had to admit.

“Come with me to the library,” Charlotte said.

“All right,” Van Helsing agreed.

In the library, Charlotte Williams handed Van Helsing a book Claudius’ History of The Etruscans.

“I thought this book was lost to history,” Van Helsing thumbed through it, “Let alone an English translation was available of it.”

“Napoleon had that book in his library in his house on the island of Saint Helena,” Charlotte walked into the country estate manor’s living room where there was a piano.

She sat down and played Bach’s Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring.

“I wonder how it got here,” Van Helsing sat down in a chair with the book and listened to Charlotte play.

“I don’t know,” Charlotte continued to play.

Van Helsing’s smart phone rang.

He answered it and talked briefly.

“Talk to you soon, Whitstable,” Van Helsing put his smart phone back in his pocket.

“Whitstable?” Charlotte looked at Van Helsing.

“A friend of mine,” the vampire hunter explained.

“When the Emperor Napoleon was talking to the Phoenix Woman Andrea Angelicus, he said there were sketches on the second last page of that book Claudius’ History of the Etruscans,” Charlotte explained, “Sketches that Napoleon himself drew of visitors he saw a few days before he died. Sketches that he put in the book after they left. Napoleon after talking with Andrea said he’d give the sketches to Whitstable.”

Van Helsing went to the second last page of the volume and removed some very old looking pieces of paper.

He took a look at them.

They were sketches of ET T-Rexes emerging from a UFO flying saucer shaped craft.

“Sinister looking things,” Van Helsing noted, “I imagine Whitstable will be grateful to receive the sketches. But whoever these beings are, they look like super nasty and super tough customers.”

“Someone can defeat them,” Charlotte continued to play Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring.

-A vampire novel chapter
written by Christopher
Friday May 7th

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